
Two days as a week: the best way to extend your weekend

It's finally the weekend and you're already thinking about how you're going to vegetate for the next 48 hours. Monday will come and you'll be cursing again that a new week has begun. And so the story repeats itself. This scenario isn't just happening to you, but you can change it by trying this top way to extend your weekend.

You're probably looking forward to the weekend too, but two days of 'freedom' last surprisingly short. Why? The problem is supposed to be in wrong time allocation and poorly chosen activities.

There are strategies with which you can create the feeling that yours the weekend lasts longer. The secret lies in proven tricks that make you get the most out of every hour.

How your weekend will be depends on you.
How your weekend will be depends on you.

How do you extend your weekend?

1. The weekend starts already on Friday.

When you finish your work or school obligations, a 48-hour break officially begins for you, which you must start living already in Friday, as this day significantly extends your weekend. If you would like to avoid visits, you can meet up with friends in town for a drink and long into the night you talk or fix to the dance floor and fill with good energy.

Friday will always be a better day for a night out than Saturday - you'll be free the next day rested (until a reasonable hour), and you still have Sunday left to explore and productive things.

2. Make a plan.

Saturday has begun, and even if you're tired from the week or Friday night, that's no excuse for sleeping through Saturday. Install it on your phone alarm clock at a reasonable hour and start plan your weekend - of course, this does not mean that you have to know exactly where you will be every minute, but it is about making a rough plan of what you will do during these two days.

Make a plan.
Make a plan.

Any invitation to an activity that you find acceptable enough, accept. Spontaneous decisions should have a positive effect on making memories and the perception of time, i.e., while doing a certain thing, it should feel as if time passes very quickly and yes is happening.

Go to road trip, visit new restaurant, cyclists, explore surroundings, head to cinema …

3. Disconnect from smart devices, or at least try.

Even if it will be difficult to part with your smart devices, you will have to do it if you want to fully enjoy the weekend and extend it. If you can't completely disconnect, at least reduce usage, especially the phone, because you will be happier.

Disconnect from smart devices.
Disconnect from smart devices.

Smart devices make it impossible for you to you focus on beautiful things, which take place off-screen. At the same time, the devices are driving you and you feel as if you are constantly going somewhere hurry up. Relax and limit phone use between 8 am and 8 pm. If you think it's too bad, reduce the time, but do he keeps his promises.

4. How to get rid of stress?

It is also important to you learn to relax. Reduce stress based on mindfulness mindfulness), namely focus on the things you are doing at the moment. If you are eating delicious food, close your eyes and focus on hers taste. While walking in the park, breathe like this you feel the air and the scent of awakening nature. Before or after sex, caress each other and focus on all the senses.

With attention, you will get the feeling that it is time stopped, because you enjoy it.

How to relax?
How to relax?

5. Who will you spend time with?

In addition to the activities you will perform, it is also important to with whom you will perform them. Spend time with people who mean a lot to you. Invest your time in relationships that have a positive impact on you and create beautiful memories.

What happens with loved ones learn something new or do what an interesting thing  - then the brain perceives time differently and you will feel as if many hours have passed, even if it hasn't. Can also they are listening music, because your favorite songs are supposed to affect your prefrontal cortex in such a way that you get the feeling that time has stopped.

Who will you spend time with?
Who will you spend time with?

6. Get ready for Monday!

It's perfectly normal to feel it on Sunday slight inconvenience, because a new week starts in a few hours. You can overcome the fear by going to run, a walk, you practice deeply breathing or simply talk to a co-worker or family member about the upcoming week.

It's okay that you are you take an hour and you prepare for the new week, because the beginning of the new week will be easier. But don't do it right before bed because you probably don't want a sleepless night, do you?

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