
When can you release a dove in front of your partner for the first time and when can you introduce it to your parents?

When did you first 'let it go' in front of your partner? Was it a good or bad decision? If your partner stayed with you, then you know he loves you no matter what. Otherwise, science also has an answer for the first fart in a relationship. When do you think you can release a dove in front of your partner for the first time?

We all know that the beginning of a relationship is the time when the partner slowly and carefully let into our way of life, into our habits and secrets. It's a time of sweetness and cuddles and extra effort. Time for chocolates, beautiful dresses and evenings for two. That's when we 'shut down' bodily functions and hide our deep, dark secrets.
But that's okay we cannot avoid forever. Who doesn't remember the first time they farted in front of a loved one? Or left the door open when he went to the bathroom?

READ MORE: How to kiss well? Science has the answers!

When is it time for the first fart?
When is it time for the first fart?

We all do it, but do we have to do it in the same timeframes? How fast is too fast? V research 2,000 people took part and said everything: when can we stop shaving, when can we call someone by an affectionate name, or when can we talk about bodily functions? How quickly (if at all) should you get to that special intimacy with your partner?
Well, for the first time, you can release the dove in front of your partner after three months of relationship. This is also the time when you can call him by his affectionate name, introduce him to the family, cry in front of him or scratch his genitals in front of him.

When is it time to show your partner your 'dark' side? (Sapio)
When is it time to show your partner your 'dark' side? (Sapio)

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