
Less is more: tiny tattoos as inspiration for girls

Maybe someone has been thinking about a tattoo for a long time, but just doesn't have the courage or simply can't find the right one. We have done our homework for you and found the most beautiful ones. Those for whom the saying less is more is true. Tiny, yet beautiful: as an inspiration for all girls who like to dream.

Tatu it does not necessarily mean gargantuan inscriptions, roses and other colorful figures that scream for attention and that, once we are older, we are more ashamed of than proudly showing them around. Tattoos can be so much more discreet. Small tattoos are not so noticeable, but at the same time they turn out much more aesthetically pleasing. They are like our little secret, which not everyone knows and which is revealed to others only when they are very close to us - both physically and psychologically.

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The saying really applies to tiny tattoos less is more. They look especially nice if we choose not so typical parts of the body for them: for example behind the ear, on the inside of the wrist, on the ankle, along the length of the finger or somewhere else. And since there is a real flood of photos of tattoos on the Internet, we did our best for you and chose the most beautiful ones that will serve you as an inspiration, if you hesitate before deciding whether to transfer some art to your body forever.

See a selection of the most beautiful small tattoos for all girls who like to dream in our photo gallery!

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