
Our immune system: What harms it and what strengthens it

Fall is the time when a combination of colder temperatures and stress fills the waiting rooms of medical centers with people snoring. As cold and flu season is upon us, we can protect ourselves by systematically strengthening our immune system. We present to you 5 things that damage our immune system and 5 things that strengthen it - so that we know what to do if we want to use as few tissues as possible in the coming months and be full of energy despite the season!

5 things that damage our immune system

1. Negative thinking and loneliness
When it comes to our physical health, we often underestimate the impact of our mental health. Negative thinking, loneliness and depression are the things that do the most damage to our body, so make a conscious decision to be positive and happy: go social, start a new hobby, play your favorite song and dance along, go in front of the mirror and smile at yourself to yourself, meditate, watch a funny movie...in short, do whatever it takes to get rid of dark thoughts and start laughing!

2. Lack of sleep
Maybe you've gotten your body used to functioning normally even after five hours of sleep, but the result of this will only be that you lie in bed at the first virus or bacteria that creeps up on you. Turn sleep into a relaxing ritual in which your body can renew itself: turn off all electronic devices, make sure the bedroom is dimly lit and at the right temperature, breathe deeply and you will drift off into a deep, invigorating sleep.

Get enough sleep and rest.
Get enough sleep and rest.

READ MORE: 10 things we can do today to feel better

3. Wrong diet (too many carbohydrates, fats and sugar)
The consequences of the wrong diet (especially for breakfast) are manifested in the way that the body deals with another thing instead of the infection: digesting an excessive amount of carbohydrates and fats. Sugar is also extremely problematic. A simplified explanation for why is that cells absorb both glucose and vitamin C through the same receptors. When the level of glucose in us is high, instead of vitamin C, which is crucial for our resistance, glucose is diligently absorbed into the cells.

4. Stress
Stress not only damages the immune system, but also affects your mental health. Just as you include all responsibilities in your schedules, include time for relaxation, which should really (if you're being responsible to your bodies) be your biggest commitment.

5. Harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcohol...
Harmful habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol weaken the immune system due to the many toxins that are introduced into the body. Drink a glass of water instead of a glass of wine. Instead of lighting up a cigarette, light up your brain.

5 things that strengthen our immune system

1. Yogurt
Research has shown that people who eat yogurt regularly (say for breakfast) are much more resistant. This rich source of calcium and proteins differs from other dairy products in that it contains probiotics (active microorganisms) that actively remove harmful bacteria from the body.

2. Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are not only sources of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for building a good immune system. Fiber makes our metabolism faster, allowing the body to focus on fighting infections. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are excellent foods that help the liver to work more efficiently and get rid of toxins faster.

3. Spices like ginger and garlic
Ginger was already used in the world's oldest medical culture 5,000 years ago as a food that helps cleanse the lymphatic system, thereby doing a huge favor to the immune system as well. Garlic is also such a superfood, which not only helps the immune system, but also lowers high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. It has also been proven that our resistance is greater if we generally increase the intake of various spices in the body.

Ginger is a super food that keeps our immune system healthy.
Ginger is a super food that keeps our immune system healthy.

4. Vitamins and minerals
At this point, of course, the first place is vitamin C, which is the most essential for the immune system. Interestingly, peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli and berries have a much higher vitamin C content than citrus fruits. Vitamin A (carrots, pumpkins...) is also important, which is essential for skin health. The skin is the first organ that bad bacteria come into contact with. Minerals are also important for a good immune system, among which zinc, which has antibacterial and antiviral properties, is certainly in the first place.

Physical activity strengthens the immune system.
Physical activity strengthens the immune system.

5. Physical activity
It has been proven that people who do not even go for a walk are twice as susceptible to all diseases. Even in the winter months, your body needs exercise - especially in the fresh air. The stronger you are physically, the stronger your immune system will be. Of course, there is a healthy measure here too: the result of running too long on an icy cold day will naturally be a cold.

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