
Desperate First Date: 6 Friendly Ways to Tell Him You're Not Interested Anymore

Desperate First Date: 6 Friendly Ways to Tell Him You're Not Interested Anymore

If you've met an interesting man at first glance, but after the first date you don't want to keep in touch with him, it's the fairest thing to tell him directly - and there are friendly ways to do that!

It is absolutely impossible that it would all your dates were great. It's hard to find a person that you connect with instantly, as if you've known each other all your life. And if there's no chemistry between you, it's simply nobody's fault. Simple you are not destined.

People tend to only give a chance to people they think they should could be potential partners and they forget that there are also people who are not at first glance"marital material”, and they keep in themselves all those qualities that they have been dreaming of for their partner for years. That's why it's right, yes you also give that person a chance, which you may not like at the moment, but you will see later on the first date, was your intuition right?.

If you find out on the first date that he is he was desperate and you definitely don't want to see the person again, it's only fair that you do you tell. Calm and kind, because all people have feelings and you don't want to hurt them with your arrogance. Right?

Think about a message in which you will clearly let him know that he you don't want to see again and let him seek his happiness elsewhere. We repeat: don't pull anyone's nose!

These are 6 friendly ways to tell him you're NOT INTERESTED anymore…

"I had a good time, but I don't feel the chemistry between us."

Chemistry is an extremely important and real thing. You won't feel it for everyone, and that's perfectly fine. Point out that you had a good time, but there was no spark to move you. In this way, you will show him that he has not done anything wrong, but that he is not the right choice for you. He will appreciate your honesty.

"I don't want to waste your time."

In this way, you will show him that you value his time, which could be spent looking for a soulmate elsewhere. If you're not interested, the most you can do is let him know.

"I don't want to waste your time."
"I don't want to waste your time."

"I don't think we expect the same things."

On the first date, you will definitely know whether you can form a long-term relationship with a certain person. And if you don't feel it, then you have nothing to look for in such a relationship. This kind of message will let him know that there is nothing wrong with him, but rather you notice that they have a different outlook on life.

"We don't get along very well."

If you notice that a person wants to have a serious relationship with you, but you can't even imagine it, you don't have to explain it in detail, it's enough to tell him briefly that things are not as you thought they would be.

"I'm sorry I created the wrong impression."
"I'm sorry I created the wrong impression."

"I'm sorry I created the wrong impression."

Use this kind of phrase only when you know that the person is great and was hoping that there would be something more between you... and you feel like you gave the wrong impression that you also want something more. You don't have to apologize for not wanting to date someone again, but this is definitely the best way to end a relationship.

"I'm glad to meet you, but..."

Always appreciate the other person's time! Thank him for making time for you and tell him that you respect the date but don't want it to happen again.

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