
From today, nothing will be the same again: they proved that men's and women's tears are different

From today, nothing will be the same again: they proved that men and tears are different

Even though men and women are alike, there are so many irreconcilable differences between us - even our tears are different.

Culture teaches us that they are male rational beings, who do not cry while we are women's emotional wrecks, whose tears are acceptable. Even if in modern times this prejudice is trying to be eradicated, evolution cannot be opposed – namely, they are scientists found out, that there are some biological the reasons for which women and men's tears make a difference.

Women's and men's tears are different!
Women's and men's tears are different!

Biologically speaking, women are said to be made to cry more like a man and therefore the X chromosome is thought to be to blame – the scientists noticed under the microscope that the cells of female lacrimal glands differentiate from men, which first suggests the differences in form. But there are also many differences cultural aspects.

A man's tear should physiologically be "thicker”, meaning that women they need a smaller amount of tears, before we can see them on the cheeks. For the same reason they should women more easily veiled than men.

Men's tears are said to be "thicker".
Men's tears are said to be "thicker".

When we experience physical or emotional pain, a part of the brain, amygdala, trigger signals. If the stimulus is big enough, let's break and we start to cry. Men, scientists say, tend to find mechanisms to calm down, before they reach the tear line. He was supposed to be guilty of that testosterone, which creates a border between emotional stimulus and I'm crying. And because we women have it in smaller sizes quantities, se we brake harder.

They are scientifically proven to exist three types of tears. Basal tears, which protect our eyes and are constantly present. Reflex tears, which occur in response to irritation, such as cutting onions, blowing wind... And of course emotional tears, which are the result of our well-being. In all three types, tears consist of salt and hormones, with the difference that it also supposedly plays an important role in emotional tears the hormone prolactin, which enables secretion of milk. And women should have for 60 % more prolactin in the bloodstream than men. Scientists believe that this is the reason, why women cry much more easily.

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