
Show her what love is: the little things that make her feel APPRECIATED and LOVED

Words that count: the little things that will make her feel APPRECIATED and LOVED

Maintaining a relationship can become tiring after the honeymoon phase is over. You probably think that you will have to put in a lot of effort and time to keep the spark between you two alive, but a woman really doesn't need much - little things are enough to make her feel APPRECIATED and LOVED.

1. Ask her if she feels appreciated.

It's number one on your to-do list. Indeed, many studies have shown that relationships in which partners ask each other about partner satisfaction, usually more successful. And the less likely it is they will leave each other.

Ask her if she feels appreciated.
Ask her if she feels appreciated.

The reality is that there is a disparity in satisfaction between men and women, and there are countless reasons for it - which is exactly why it's so much better to you become proactive and you ask her directly if she feels appreciated instead of assuming that everything is under control. If she feels appreciated, better for both of you, otherwise this is an opportunity for you to find out with which she is not satisfied and what else you can do to make it happen.

2. Ask her how she feels.

This question seems obvious, but the problem is that you always ask, but you never really listen. Because you're tired. Focused on his problems. No patience.
Don't ask her how she is right away when you get home, but take your time, do your own thing, which will calm you down, and then talk. Only in this way will you be willing to actively listen and you will also change your perception of things.

3. Listen to her.

Not while you're playing games, watching TV or typing on your phone screen. Turn to her look her in the eyes and let her know that you are interested in the things she talks about. It is a powerful action that can make a complete difference your relationship, if they are actively using it.

Listen to her.
Listen to her.

Everyone wants to be heard. He wants others to understand him. And this is the way in which people connect with each other in terms of form - it is a tour of intimacy and expressions of respect and appreciation.

4. Appreciate her.

It can be predicted with great accuracy whether a relationship will succeed or not, even considering what level of respect there is between the partners. She may tolerate your disrespectful behavior at first, but over time it can literally overwhelm the relationship. You must not take a person as self-evident. If you find that you've started a pattern of disrespect towards the person you love the most, it's time to respond. Try having a long conversation, going to a counselor - it's important, yes they act quickly.

5. Get to know her love language.

It often happens that you do show love to your partner, but in the way they are taught you, to show her, not like that, the way she wants it. It is quite possible that your partner is blind to this kind of love. Gary Chapman author of the book Love Languages says there is the five languages of love: words of affirmation, actions, gifting, quality time together and touch.

Get to know her love language.
Get to know her love language.

It'll probably take a while before you figure it out what is her favorite love language, but this also has its advantages - in this way you will find out what your language of receiving and giving is, which will benefit both of you.

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