
Tell the man the truth... and you'll be alone!

Tell the man the truth... and you'll be alone!

It's time to face the truth. It's time to admit to him that you'd rather enjoy yourself than with him. Because a relationship cannot be sweet if you are FORCED into it.

You probably don't feel comfortable thinking about being single. However, being alone is not difficult! It's harder to be ALONE WITH A MAN who you supposedly have it with you. And you call him a partner. This kind of loneliness is the WORST. It's like a ticking time bomb. It's much better if you're honest with yourself and don't pretend to be someone else... just so your partner can be by your side.

Imagine how bad it is if you have to constantly invent things to create interest in a man, only to stay by your side … and that's because on paper it says it's perfect. If he's been away for months and you're still persistently pushing and doing everything to make him love you again, it's time to admit to yourself: DARLING, THE MAN YOU HAVE WITH YOU IS NOT FOR YOU!

If you are going to close your eyes to the truth and live according to his rules, forget about such a relationship and "love". Eventually it will the lie poisoned you and him. Both of them. Your man is also a living person and he will realize that you are pretending and claiming to be what you are not.

A relationship cannot be sweet if you are FORCED into it.
A relationship cannot be sweet if you are FORCED into it.

What to do when you can't pretend anymore?

It's time you did you admit the truth. It's time to admit that you do you prefer to enjoy yourself than with him.

And what will happen next:
You will come home. You will undress. Showered and ate a good dinner. You won't think of anyone. You will satisfy no one's desires. You won't adapt. You will return to your world. You will be doing the things you love without a bad conscience.

And what will happen to him:
Will he find true love (because it clearly wasn't you) or will he live alone, without lies and pretense.

The relationship in a relationship and marriage should be based on trust.
The relationship in a relationship and marriage should be based on trust.

Attitude in relationship and marriage should be based on trust. If it is not there, no advice in this world will help you to solve the relationship. For a while, you will maintain an artificially created balance... but in the end, chaos will arise that will hurt you and the person you have next to you.

So don't be afraid of loneliness. Solitude is good. She will strengthen you and prepare you for new love. It is love FOR OTHERS or for SELF. And you can only feel both if you get rid of lies and manipulations.

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