
Too much junk food? These are foods that will help you detox

While you probably indulged (too much) in food during the holidays, now is the time to help your system eat as many natural detox foods as possible.

Have you overindulged in junk food these days? Simple healthy food, the kind that contains as much fiber as possible and as little sugar, preservatives and unhealthy fats as possible, will help you restore balance in your body. Let's see what the experts swear by.



Bananas contain potassium, which means they can balance the effects of sodium and reduce water retention. They are also full of resistant starch, which is said to help feed healthy bacteria in the gut.



Asparagus is considered a natural diuretic, so it can help in relieving bloating and other inconveniences. A study, published in the Journal of Food Science, even showed that asparagus is supposed to help because of amino acids and minerals in relieving an alcoholic hangover.



Avocados contain two proven oils, linalool and geranyl acetate had a positive effect on irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders. V studies, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers fed rats with liver damage 22 different types of fruit, and avocado was in restoring liver function the most useful.



Curcumin, an ingredient in the Indian spice, is said to reduced the possibility of blockage of the bile duct and scarring of the liver. This is because she is supposed to interfere in chemical reactions, which occur in inflammatory processes (Journal Gut).

Citrus peels

Citrus peels
Citrus peels

The peel of lemons, limes and other citrus fruits contains the antioxidant d-limonene, which has been shown to help Stimulation of liver enzymes (World Health Organization).



Kiwi is one of the few foods that contains fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore it is supposed to help strengthen our digestive system, and at the same time it should help in reducing inflammation.

Dijon mustard

Dijon mustard
Dijon mustard

A teaspoon of Dijon mustard should have 5 calories, and at the same time, according to English researchers, boosted metabolism by as much as 25 percent for a few hours. Just make sure you eat pure mustard and not sweetened or with added honey.

White tea

White tea
White tea

A study, published in the Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism showed that it should white tea stimulates the breakdown of fats in the body, and at the same time should block the formation of new fat cells.

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