
Renault ZOE: the electrified ZOE got a bigger battery!

Renault Zoe

Renault ZOE has been with us since 2012, and in 2016 it underwent a major renovation - but now the time has come for it to show itself to us in a renewed, and above all, more powerful form!

On first sight Renault ZOE remains as we know it, but it will soon become clear to you that it is about new generation car – the outer lines are similar, but still different ones: headlights in LED technology are already part of the standard equipment, and the rear LED lights also stand out.

ZOE is equipped with maximum battery until now, with capacity 52 kWh. That's enough for up to 390 kilometers a long way and represents just 20 % improvement compared to previous ones models. When charging fast, with power 50 kW, we will need 30 minutes, so that we will have enough energy for additional 145 kilometers.

The newcomer will be available with an electric motor that has 100 kW (136 hp) of power and with the already known electric motor s 80 kW power. It has been upgraded regenerative braking, with the help of which we can drive the ZOE only by using the back pedal 'gas'.

A notable shift also occurred in interior of Renault ZOE cars - the materials are now available more pleasant to the touch and better quality, but otherwise the interior is similar to that of the latest Clio.

It is available for the driver's needs 10-inch screen, and for the needs of the infotainment system 9.3-inch touch screen. Both are a part standard equipment.

You can think of Renault ZOE in nine colors, and sales will start in autumn ones months this year's years.

Gallery: Renault ZOE

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