
Sunburn: the best ways to treat it, according to dermatologists

Sunburn: the best ways to treat it, according to dermatologists.

In addition to a hat, sunglasses and a sufficient amount of liquid, sunscreen is the most important accessory for hot summer days. Although many people take care to protect their skin from the strong rays of the sun, it often happens that they get sunburned. What to do then?

Awareness of how important it is skin protection on hot days, it is even more so in summer outstanding. Although some very they conscientiously take care of their health, it often happens that they get skin burns.
With these tips dermatologist Heather Rogers they can soothe and heal faster.

Ease the pain

According to Rogers, the easiest way to relieve pain is with medicines without active ingredients, with a cold bath or multiple by applying a cold, wet cloth to the burn. However, you must pay attention to your body temperature, as it may not be too low or too high. It is difficult for the body to control its body temperature when the skin is burnt.

Relieve pain.
Relieve pain.

Moisturizing (at the right time)

You use moisturizer or ointment, but pay attention to the time gap. Rogers advises to moisturize the skin when it is damp, because the cream or ointment is absorbed better and the skin heals faster. Moisturize your skin as often as possible.

Moisturize the skin.
Moisturize the skin.


External moisturizing is not enough, if you do not introduce liquid that would moisturize your skin from the inside as well. Drink enough water to keep you hydrated and avoid dehydrating drinks.

Drink enough fluids.
Drink enough fluids.

Do not touch the skin

If they are to you bubbles, do not touch them. According to Rogers, the function of these is healing, as they appear yes protect the newly formed skin, which is renewed.

Do not touch the bubbles.
Do not touch the bubbles.

Avoid the sun

Burnt skin is, as Rogers says, if you're in the sun, even more exposed to dangerous UV rays, so avoid the sun if you have a sunburn.

Avoid the sun.
Avoid the sun.

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