
The harsh truth that will hit you: these things will get you NOTHING in life

The harsh truth that will hit you: these things will get you NOTHING in life

You should be worried. At this moment, you must ask yourself what is the purpose of your existence on Earth. Look in the mirror, look deep into your own eyes and slap yourself.

A text that will leave you speechless, you will too changed life. This is his mission! The purpose of this message is not to demotivate you WAKE UP and INCENTIVES, to make something for yourself and your life.

Get out of your comfort zone, move and se learn new skills, which will come in handy in the real world... outside the bubble called HOME (MOM AND DAD) and PROTECT YOUR PARENTS, which is ideologically indoctrinated in the education system. Develop skills that you can't learn in a class or a book, you can only get by finding yourself. Find out who you are. What is your future?

These things will get you NOTHING in life...

because you worry about what others will say.

Because you believe that it is only acceptable to be different if you are different in the same way as everyone else!
Because you are afraid to face the fears called OTHERS.
Because you value the things you have more than the things you've done.
Why are you spending money on clothes, expensive restaurants, going out and cars? I invest in myself. While you try to fit into the world, I will adapt the world to me.
Because I will throw away my safety without thinking and show the real me to the world. I will become resistant to other people's opinions and I will stand completely naked in the mass of ideas, but I will know that you remained only mediocre, while I did extraordinary things.

... because you worry about what others will say
... because you worry about what others will say

… because you haven't lost enough times.

Because you feel good about your mediocrity, you haven't decided to try to do something more.
Because it's much easier to talk about learning something new than actually doing it.
Because you think everything is too difficult or too complicated, you will skip the opportunity and put it off until tomorrow.
Because you hate your job but don't want to find a better one. Because it is much easier to forget failure in advance than to face it.
Every time I failed, I changed my path just to move forward. Like a blacksmith, I went through fire to shape my sword.

 because you think you're smarter than you really are
because you think you're smarter than you really are

because you think you're smarter than you really are.

Because you did everything everyone else did. You learned the things that others learned and read everything that others read.
Because you've learned everything you need to do to pass your exams and you think that makes you smart.
Because you think learning is something you do in school. And you didn't learn about life.
Because I can do all your exams if I have to. But you wouldn't be able to last a second against the challenges I faced. Challenges that are made on the basis of one criterion - whether you will survive or not!

because you don't read.

Because you read things that are required of you or you don't read at all.
Because you think history is boring and philosophy is stupid.
Because you'd rather watch TV than explore new things that will make you understand the world better.
Because you resist the idea that power comes from the words of people who lived before you. That everything you want now can be found in words that are accessible to all of us.
Because you probably aren't reading this text, but you should.
Because people reading already know these things.

… because you are not curious
… because you are not curious

because you are not curious.

Because you get your share of news from the controlled media.
Because you are not ready to think about the fact that things might be fake and have a hard time accepting the fact that the information might be based on fiction.
Because you think I have it all figured out, but you won't accept the fact that you don't know anything.

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