
This is how you really live: the wheel of life test tells you what "squeaks" in your life

This is how you really live: the "wheel of life" test tells you what is "creaking" in your life

The wheel of life is the shortest personality test that shows you what things are going wrong in your life. Do you dare to do it?

The Wheel of Life comes from Tibetan Buddhism and depicts, the easiest way to achieve balance in life and create luck and success. According to their belief, the wheel should consist of eight components, which are also called FACTORS OF HAPPINESS.

The original wheel focuses on awareness of one's personal state of mind, but in modern times many versions have been created that are also interpreted in different ways.
The wheel of fortune is used as a means of teaching and goal setting. It is designed to find out how you spend your time and how satisfied you are with different parts of your life. In this way, you can self-reflect on your existence, not on the Earth and get more out of life.

The test is therefore based on the theory that every person's life consists of several important segments:

  1. contribution to society
  2. career
  3. finances
  4. family/friendship
  5. health
  6. party
  7. love
  8. personal development

How does the wheel of life work?

Each slice of the pie represents a category. You can rate each category from 1 (extremely bad) to 10 (extremely good).
After you evaluate each category and write it in the wheel, it will spider web formed, which shows which area of life you are satisfied with and what things are on foot.
Each category affects your life. When drawing the wheel of life, it doesn't matter where you start or with which category.

Wheel of life!
Wheel of life!

How do you complete the wheel of life?

It's important that you are you take time to complete the wheel of life. You should not fill it in too quickly because you may get wrong results. Consider every area of your life!


How satisfied are you with your job? Is this your dream job or do you want something else? Does your body bring you satisfaction and happiness? Does it enable you to live well?


Does your family support, trust and love you? Can you always turn to your friends? Are you spending enough time with friends and family?

  • LOVE

Have you found happiness in love? Do you have a committed partner by your side? Can you build the future with it?

  • FUN

Are you enjoying life? Do you do interesting things in your spare time?


How are you feeling mentally and physically? Are you happy with your appearance? What things bother you? How physically active are you?


Can you satisfy your every need? Do you have debts? Is money the only thing that makes you happy?


Are you satisfied with the direction in which you are developing? Are you open to new experiences? Are you connected to your inner and outer world?


Do you help other people? Do you do volunteer work? Are you taking good enough care of the people you care about and love?

What is your wheel of life?
What is your wheel of life?

What are the results?

After you have scored each category from 1 to 10, the wheel of life is complete. And now is the moment when you will face the surprises, disappointments, drop out

From 8 to 10: you are extremely satisfied with a certain category. It is important that you maintain it. You can always improve it.
From 5 to 7: you are quite satisfied with a certain category, but you can improve it and reach your goal.
From 4 to 1: you are not satisfied with a certain category. It makes you miserable. You will have to do something. You can always find a way to improve it.

ADVICE: It should be important, yes maintain balance in all areas of life. Otherwise, the latter will just make a schedule that may not be to your liking. The wheel of life is a psychological exercise with the help of which you can today you start living a better life.
Psychologists say that you should regularly analyze your own wheel of life, because only then will you have an awareness of how you really live. They advise that you solve it every month because that's the only way you can track your progress.

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