
This is no ordinary concoction: half the world has gone crazy for tan smoothies

This is no ordinary concoction: half the world has gone crazy for tan smoothies

Summer has opened its doors, which for lovers of tanned skin has announced that it is time to "fry in the sun" - you are probably aware of the dangers of UV rays, so we put our hand on your heart to diligently protect your skin and have a smoothie instead, which will ensure a shiny brownish skin.

The tanned complexion is the one dot on I, which many women like can't resist in summer time, given that this successfully hides skin imperfections and, if we're being honest, everyone looks a little better with shiny brownish complexion. But beauty often requires patience, which is why women spend hours and hours in the sun to achieve the desired color.

Dermatologists say they are this type of exposure to the sun is extremely dangerous, as many injuries and illnesses can occur that cannot be cured. As they say, yes is much better protect your skin and provide her with nutrients that will "inside". took care of the natural tanning.

Half the world is crazy about the tan smoothie…


  • 2 dcl of water
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric


Mix the ingredients in a blender, transfer the smoothie to the refrigerator and wait 30 minutes for it to cool. If you don't like the taste, you can also add a spoonful of honey to the smoothie.

Why should this smoothie work?
Why should this smoothie work?

Why should this smoothie work?

The ingredients are said to be rich in vitamins E, A and C, as a result of which the skin acquires a brownish complexion that should last the whole year. Turmeric, oranges, and lemons are said to be known for their “tanning effect,” giving pale skin color and radiance.

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