
Tropical Islands: The 'Rejected' German Theme Park

Sandy beaches, palm trees, exotic animals and high waterfalls. It all reminds of fantasies about tropical islands far away, doesn't it? But they are not that far away. Well, those real islands are still there, but if you would like to spend a day in paradise, you can also drive to Berlin or a few kilometers south. Namely, there is the theme park Tropical Islands, which promises a real paradise experience.

Only 60 kilometers from Berlin stands a huge hall which is s 66,000 m² area is actually one of the largest in the world. Closed space with artificial sea, tropical islands, tropical forests and animals, which move freely. A tropical rainforest lies on the surface 10,000 m² and offers around 50,000 plants 600 different species. You will be able to meet there flames, are, peacocks or pheasants. The water in the pools has all the time 31 °C, so you can swim in the outdoor pool every day of the year. One of the biggest attractions for sure the highest slide in Germany, because in height just measure 27 m. Well, basically it's about the tower s 4 slides. Besides 4000 m² of playing areas for the youngest you can also find there a shopping center, fitness club, mini golf, tent camp and several bars and restaurants, mostly located in Tropska vas. For fun, you can rise 60 m above the forest and the sea with a balloon and observe them from a bird's eye view.

You can spend the night in a tented settlement, a luxury tropical cabin or camp in front of the park. Extraordinary a fun vacation for the weekend, especially if there is at least a little bit of an adventurer in you.


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