
Effective tricks to learn to eat less

Effective tricks to learn to eat less

Did you know that the amount of food you plan to eat depends on many factors that you have not paid attention to? The color of the plate also determines how much you will eat.

Psychologists note that most human daily actions are the result of automatic, unconscious processes and habits that you can change them. And so it is also with eating habits, which, as scientists note, have changed significantly in recent years changed – modern man he eats much more in one meal, as he actually needs. And not because I was hungry, but because feeling, that he needs even more food.

Scientific findings show, that the feeling of perceived hunger or overeating is caused by a combination of sugar, salt and fat that forces your brain to you act like food addicts. And this eventually becomes a habit that can only be broken if you learn to how your brain works. You need to be aware that your brain is constantly tempting you to eat something - every time you think you need to eat but you're not hungry, your brain is telling you that you're eating because emotionally altered stimuli. So the key is yes you stop associating emotions and food.

Stop associating emotions and food.
Stop associating emotions and food.

It takes a lot to work on yourself, and you can't (and shouldn't) expect to completely change your attitude to food in a week, but you can make some other changes today, related to the selection of the container from which you eat. Charles Spence, scientist and author of the book The New Science of Nutrition namely, he believes that the dishes (and many other factors, such as music, utensils...) should influence the amount of food, which you eat and actual taste.


The color red has a strong character, so a plate of this color gives the feeling that it is food less tasty. Spencer advises that you eat your snacks from a red container because you will eat a lot less since the color red signals danger.


In restaurants, you are usually served dessert on a white plate because white is supposed to be the color affect your perception of sweetness. Therefore, you should have the feeling that the dessert is on a white plate for at least 10 % is sweeter.

There are other colors that are said to influence your relationship with food – green color should encourage you to eat healthy meals, Orange to exercise, blue to loss of appetite... If you serve food in bowls, but he knows how to be much tastier than on a plate.

The dessert on the white plate is said to be sweeter by 10 %.
The dessert on the white plate is said to be sweeter by 10 %.

In addition to the color of the container, it should also be important the weight of the food on the plate, says Spencer. "Feel the meal you are about to eat in your own hands" or weigh it down. In this way, your brain will get the information, what amount of food is sufficient for you.

During feeding it is also very important to focus on food. Turn off electronic devices and focus on what you are eating. Thus, you will use all your senses while feeding, and your brain will send you information, when you are full.

And of course you shouldn't forget about imagination, which is also important - if you like a certain food but eat something else, imagine how many times you have eaten your favorite food. This idea will trick your brain into believing that your appetite for this type of food will decrease.

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