
Ultra rich families who control the world and the lives of all of us

Ultra rich families who control the world and the lives of all of us

You may think that only you can make decisions about your life - unfortunately you are wrong, here are rich families who control the world and the lives of all of us.

You've probably heard the theory that says it is almost all the money in the world under the control of the richest families. Some of them are in favor of a colorful lifestyle, while others are not driven by hype.

Which 10 families have that many social power, that it is from them the fate of the world depends?


The amount of money owned by the Rockefellers is said to be between 1 and 3 trillion euros. The family became famous thanks to John Rockefeller, otherwise the world's first millionaire. At the end of the 19th century, it controlled as much as 90 % of the US oil market. Today, in addition to banking and oil, he also deals with charity and cryptocurrencies. If conspiracy theories are to be believed, the Rockefellers run a secret organization that functions as a world government.


 John Pierpont Morgan
John Pierpont Morgan

Many people think that the Morgans control US politics and all the banks in the world. John Pierpont Morgan built a financial empire by selling arms during the American Civil War. In 1907, he managed to stop the collapse of the American banking system. The family owns many banks in the USA and Europe.


The Saud royal family has ruled Saudi Arabia since 1932. The head of the family is King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the dynasty has about 25 thousand members. The ruler has absolute political power, while family members hold important government and military positions. They also boast the fact that they control 20 % of the world's oil reserves.


The Rothschilds have been considered one of the richest families in the world since the time of Napoleon, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded a huge banking company in Germany. After his death, he left a will to his descendants with instructions for managing the empire. The Rothschilds have followed them for over 200 years. Their assets are estimated at 2 trillion euros. They deal with banking, investing, viticulture, oil and gas.


Although the Baruchs have less money than the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, they are therefore more influential. Bernard Baruch was an adviser to five American presidents, and at the same time a close friend of Winston Churchill. He came up with the concept of the 'Cold War', while overseeing the creation of the atomic bomb. Information about his descendants is more or less hidden.


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Anos atrás, Sam Walton, fundador da maior rede de varejo do mundo, a Wal-Mart, abriu um programa de training para seus funcionamientos, com muita sudario. . Quando todos esperavam uma palestra sobre vendas e atendimento, ele iniciou com as seguenti palavras: . 👉🏼"Eu sou o homem que vai a um restaurante, senta-se à mesa e espera pacientemente, durante o garçom faz tudo, menos anotar meu pedido. . Eu sou o homem que vai a uma loja e espera calado, durante os vendors I terminam suas conversas particulares. não reclama que a recebe sompete após três semanas de espera. . Eu sou o homem que, quando entra num establishment comercial, parece estar pedindo um favor, implorando por um sorriso ou esperando apenas ser notado. . 🤔Você deve estar pensando que eu sou uma pessoa quieta, paciente, do tipo que nunca cria problemas... 🤦🏻‍♂ Don't be deceived. Sabe quem eu sou? Eu sou o cliente que nunca mais volta! . Divirto me vendo milhões gastos todos os anos em anuncios de toda ordem , para levar-me de novo à sua empresa. Sendo que quando fui lá pela primeira vez, tudo o que deberiam ter feito era apenas uma pequena gentileza, simples e barata: tratar-me com um pouco mais de cortesia. . 🧐Só existe um chefe: o CLIENTE. E ele pode demitir todas as pessoas da empresa, do presidente ao faxineiro, simply levando o seu dinheiro para gastar em outro lugar." 🙇🏽‍♂ Better text! Um simples gesto de attention e gentileza ao próximo, muda tudo. #SamWalton #WalMart #Forbes #ForberBrasil

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In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Walmart store, which we know today as the largest retail chain in the United States. This is how he managed to get on the list of the richest people in the world. After his death, his wife and four children took over management of Walmart. They also own the banking company Arvest Bank, an art collection and a charity organization.


The British royal family comes from the House of Windsor. The head of the family is Queen Elizabeth II, who rules 15 independent countries along with Great Britain. She also boasts the titles of Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces and Supreme Ruler of the Church of England. It is no secret that she is very popular with the public. Members of the royal family live a simple life, serving in the military and doing charity work.


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#RupertMurdoch and #JerryHall marry London

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The Australian Murdoch family was elevated to immortality by Keith Murdoch. The latter initially worked as a political journalist in one of Melbourne's newspapers, then rose to the position of editor, and later to the general manager of the company. His son Rupert also worked as a journalist. Having gained control of all of Australia's leading media, Rupert created the News Corporation, which controls 20th Century Fox, Fox News, Myspace and Dow Jones, among others.


The Oppenheimers boast the largest gold reserves in the world. Ernest Oppenheimer made his fortune after going to the South African city of Kimberley. There he first became the mayor, and then the head of a company that was engaged in the search for diamonds. He soon managed to monopolize the world diamond market. The family, headed by Ernest's grandson Nicky, sells gold, iron, platinum and industrial materials in addition to diamonds.


A family of Jewish immigrants from Ukraine moved to Chicago in 1881. 69 years later, they founded the Hayat Corporation, which is engaged in the hotel industry and manages as many as 777 hotels in 54 countries. The Pritzker Prize, which is considered the most important award in the field of architecture, is named after them. It should also be added that they founded a school of architecture in Chicago.

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