
Easter: creative ideas for decorating the home and parties

Easter is only two weeks away, so start collecting creative ideas for decorating your home and parties now. Make your Easter even more colorful this year.

Easter is just around the corner and one thing that makes us look forward to its arrival is sure dyeing of pirchs and home decoration. Every holiday calls for proper decoration, but Easter seems to be the one for the most colorful holiday and the possibilities for creative decorating are endless - you can create decorations that look damn good to you will have in your home throughout the year.

Take advantage of the colorfulness of this holiday and bring a breath of fresh air into your home - make decorations that look as if you bought them and not made at home.


1. Peel the colored rinds so that they retain their shape"cups”, in which you will put a candle. This is how you will create colored candlesticks, which you place around the dining table.

Eggs as candlesticks
Eggs as candlesticks

2. When you buy eggs, save the cardboard, because you can take advantage of it as decoration and container, in which you will serve pirhe. Cut the cardboard so that you get cups of four. Paint the cardboard and combine several cut-out cups to form wreath. Fill the wreath with baubles, flowers, sweets.

3. A napkin on the table can be fun and should be in this year the sign of rabbits. Before you start making this decoration, buy a better quality napkin from the store that will keep its shape or a cloth tablecloth.

4. Place your favorite flowers in the center of the dining table bottles and so your table will be in rustic touch. Place six bottles next to each other and secure them with a thicker colored rope. You can paint and decorate.

5. From eggshells you can also create vases for flowers. Make a small hole in the top of the egg and empty its contents. With wax, ma attach to desired surface or just leave it in the cardboard box. Pour water into it and put a rose or some other flower.


1. You can also decorate the eggs with nail polish and you will create marble pyres. Add to a bowl of water a drop of different colors of varnishes. Use a stick or a toothpick to mix the varnishes and the flour dip in the liquid.

2. Remember when they were popular a while back temporary tattoos in gold and silver? If you have another home, you can use it for decorating pirchs.

3. Foil can be used as an accessory for decorating pirhs. You will also need the glue you use stick the foil in layers.

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