
Why should we hug each other more?

Why should we hug each other more?

When your loved one is having a bad day, you probably give them a big hug to make them feel better. And you probably don't think for a moment that your action has a stronger impact than you realize.

Scientists were interested in what impact does a hug have on an individual, so for the purposes of the research, they interviewed every evening for two weeks 404 people. Each individual was asked about feeling and problems, which they faced during the day, and whether they received a hug. After collecting their answers, the participants also had to fill out a questionnaire about theirs health and social to the network.

The results showed that a hug has a measurable effect on the mood and the level of stress that a person feels after being in a conflict situation. Because of this gesture, people are said to be more positive, especially in those days when they faced difficulties. The positivity continued the next day, even if it was gradual negative emotions more pronounced.

A hug has a measurable effect on mood and stress levels.
A hug has a measurable effect on mood and stress levels.

Regardless of gender, age, marital status, social network, or overall mood, he had a hug support effect. The person felt better, which suggests that it did cope with stress more easily, because she had the support of close people. Scientists thus claim that physical touch makes a person feel that he has someone with him, who cares about her. Touch itself, however, can stimulate many physiological changes, such as relaxation oxytocin.

Hugging also has a supportive effect.
Hugging also has a supportive effect.

It would be right to your loved ones you hug as much as possible, but if they don't like it, you also have to understand them or somehow re-educate them to learn your touch. reasons, why they don't like touchv, it can be a lot!

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