
Why do we fall for conspiracy theories so often?

Conspiracy theories have always fired the imagination - the important questions at stake are what is real, what is hidden and whether we will ever know the real truth. Since there is no answer to the question, conspiracy theory as an alternative explanation of the event is the only answer that people often believe for many unexplained reasons.

Conspiracy theories strongly or completely they differ from officially recognized theories - in the past these appeared in connection with various events or things. The reason for their creation? Certain events were wrapped up in secret, their explanations were outstanding dry steam or the official interpretation was treated as manipulation and concealment certain actions certain persons or companies. People, of course, want explanations, so individuals began to develop their own explanations, whose purpose is to explain the true background of the events.

Proponents of alternative theories sometimes they don't have enough good evidence or solid arguments to explain certain events, so the surrounding mostly them treats negatively.

A more interesting question is why do people believe conspiracy theories so easily.

Why do we believe conspiracy theories?
Why do we believe conspiracy theories?

If we start from the fundamental question of human existence, where Earthlings live: on a flat plate or a round Earth, the question of the Flat Earth theory is raised here. And who is behind such shenanigans and what's in it for them? Jamie Brown, who has been actively trying to disprove this theory for six years, says it is power – power, yes we believe, that people we live on a spinning globe, that human life a random outcome some accident billions of years ago that we are unimportant and that in our creation there is no intelligent design involved that is difficult to understand.

Is the earth a flat plate or round?
Is the earth a flat plate or round?

It is similar with the 9/11 theory, as millions of Americans waited for the official version of the event. In a research done in 2016, it was found that it should more than half of Americans believed that the government misled them in some way about the events of 9/11. It even took shape the 9/11 truth movement, which has become a kind of religion.

The 9/11 truth movement has become like a religion.
The 9/11 truth movement has become like a religion.

Where did all this come from?

The growing popularity of conspiracy theories is very worrying says the creator of Conspiracy Theory: The Lizard's Tale – the scale of evil on the planet To the earth increases, which life does much more frightening, as it should be. People believe conspiracies because they live at one point in the film Matrix, and at the same time they are in comfortable shelter, as they are aware that they are all information, which they get, false ones, so there is no point in bothering with to the world. And this is the one miraculous deliverance.

I don't believe in these things, I'm just asking questions, and I know the answers.
I don't believe in these things, I'm just asking questions, and I know the answers.

These kinds of theories are about application classical approach: I don't believe in these things, I'm just asking questions. In doing so, you say what you know, and that's it your answers. That is, Solomon he says, a method used by conspiracy theorists to expressing unusual views and malicious opinions without taking responsibility for them.

Modern conspiracy theories are due to the development of technology quickly accessible, profitable and inviting, as we see them on all platforms. And even with a politics dominated by extremist voices, there are ideas that once would have been fetus imagination and stupidity, now generally represented as fact.

If you lack evidence, the theory tells you that you are naive.
If you lack evidence, the theory tells you that you are naive.

If you lack of evidence, the theory tells you that you are naive. Too big doubt and paranoia but they can lead you to believe that each corporation, a politician and billionaire he sees you as a disposable object in his evil world chess game.

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