
He's ready for ANYTHING for love: 6 signs he wants to change (for YOU)

He's ready for ANYTHING for love: 6 signs he wants to change (for YOU)

You put up with certain qualities of your partner, but you simply cannot and do not want to tolerate certain behaviors. There is a period in between when you hope your partner will change and wait for the best - when do you know they are really ready to change?

In the world of rapidly changing romantic partners, we often forget that nobody is perfect and that love relationship ne can live without compromises.

However, it becomes problematic when only one of the partners is willing to suffer or change, while the other insists on his own, thereby creating an imbalance in the partnership. What to do? How long to wait for things to improve? What are the signs that things are getting better?

6 signs he wants to change…

He is sincerely sorry. If your partner is genuinely sorry for the behavior he used to hurt you and doesn't forget it easily, he may improve his habits.
He strives with actions. Empty promises and regrets do nothing if they are not followed by change in the form of concrete actions.
They are really talking. If you both really open up and share your feelings, worries, anger, fears, etc. with each other, then you are well on your way to saving the relationship.

The truth is often very difficult to tell and takes a lot of courage!
The truth is often very difficult to tell and takes a lot of courage!

Don't lie ANYMORE. How to tell if someone is not lying anymore? This is probably the easiest to see from the fact that suddenly this person also shares with us things that are actually difficult to say truthfully.
They stopped playing games. They have suddenly stopped playing the who cares less game and are honest in their vulnerability. They stop pretending they're not jealous and tell each other honestly when they feel threatened.
He changed his habits. If your partner has changed their habits, this is probably the strongest sign of all that changes are on the horizon. After all, habit is an iron shirt, and whoever manages to take it off must have invested a lot of energy and dedication.

When your partner is sorry, this is the first sign that he might change.
When your partner is sorry, this is the first sign that he might change.

And what are the signs that he might not change?

Humans make mistakes, and that's why it's important to be ready to forgive each other. However, such a mindset can be harmful, if because of hope for change and endless understanding of your partner's problems, you suffer.

What are the signs that he might not change? If the partner he doesn't understand your plight and about your problems he is not ready to talk, this is a bad sign. If your partner mocking, controlling, denying your truth, lying, cheating or even physically/psychologically exploiting you, that's it red alarm, that you need to take care of yourself… because he probably won't change!

Protecting yourself and your mental and physical health must become your absolute priority!

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