
Historical facts that will play with your perception of time

When trying to put historical events into perspective, we often simplistically divide events into those from the 'olden days' and those from 'modern times'. What if we told you that the things you think belong in today's world are actually much older? When you see this, you will look at history in a completely different way.

Here's something historical facts, which will play with your perception of time.

1. John Tyler, the tenth US president, was born in 1790. His two grandsons are still alive today. John was 63 years old when his son Lyon was born (1853). Lyon was 71 years old when Lyon Jr. was born. (1924), and 75 when Harrison was born (1928). Both sons are still alive.

John Tyler
John Tyler

2. Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II. they were born in the same year.

3. Tortoise Harriet, who died in 2006, had the opportunity to meet Charles Darwin.

4. The woolly mammoths were still alive when they were built the pyramids of Giza (around 2600 BC).

5. University of Oxford existed centuries earlier, before the Aztec civilization arose (1428).

University of Oxford
University of Oxford

6. George Washington died in 1799. The first dinosaur fossils were discovered in 1824. So George Washington never knew dinosaurs existed.

7. Nintendo was established when he was Jack the Ripper still at large (1889).

8. Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. they were born in the same year (1929).

9. Today the longest living tree (long-lived pine) was 1000 years old, as the last woolly mammoth died.

Long-lived pine is the longest-lived tree in the world.
Long-lived pine is the longest-lived tree in the world.

10. The movie Star Wars was published in the same year as the last execution in France the man with the guillotine (1977).

11. In Switzerland, women got right to vote the same year the US sent to the moon lunar vehicle (1971).

12. With the London Underground, people could travel to the last public hanging in Britain (1868).

13. Prisoners arrived at Auschwitz only a few days after it was opened the first McDonald's (1940).

The first McDonalds in the world
The first McDonald's in the world

14. Princess Diana and Mother Teresa they died only a few days apart (1997).

15. Harvard for the first few years, he did not have lessons with infinitesimal calculus (limit of a function, derivative, integral, function series), because this has not yet been discovered.

16. Ecstasy was invented the same year it sank Titanic (1912).

17. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler they were born in 1889. In the satire The Great Dictator from 1940, Chaplin portrayed Hitler himself.

18. Book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released the same year it was introduced the first iPhone (2007).

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