
Cliff Concept Boutique Hotel: a fairytale hotel on a Norwegian cliff

Approximately 200,000 tourists hike the Norwegian Preikestolen cliff every year, which offers an incredible view of the surroundings - there are no accommodation options available in this area, but that may change soon.

Turkish architect Hayri Atak (Hayri Atak Architectural Design Studio) designed the concept of the hotel Cliff Concept Boutique Hotel – to the visitors of the cliff Over-calculated, which measures just 604 meters, wants to make it possible for them to stay at a popular excursion spot for a longer period of time.

5-storey the structure, which is carved into the cliff, is located above the fjord Lysefjord. At the top of the hotel we find vantage point, which is intended as an introductory greeting upon entering the building.
The hotel includes 3 rooms, and each of them also has its own balcony. On the lowest floor is located 'infinity pool' with transparent walls, in which only the bravest will dare to swim - this provides guests with a huge dose of relaxation and adrenaline.

We can only hope that the futuristic installation on a Norwegian cliff will be in the future from concept to reality. Until then, we're left with the breathtaking photos found in the gallery below.

Gallery: Cliff Concept Boutique Hotel

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