
Clock shift to winter time (2015): We will sleep an hour longer on Sunday!

Movement of the clock

It's time to move the clock to winter time. This means that on Sunday, October 25, 2015, we will sleep one hour longer. This will be the last Sunday in October, when, according to tradition, we move the hands of the clock back one hour. Do you already know how you will spend this extra hour? We will sleep it!

Clock change to winter time in 2015 it's right outside the door. It is approaching the last Sunday of the month, which this year falls on October 25 . On the night from Saturday to Sunday, we will move the hands (those handful of clocks we still have and which do not do this by themselves) back by one hour again. from 3 a.m. to 2 a.m. Unlike the change to daylight saving time, this change is a welcome change. Moving the clock is a fairly recent invention, but it is attributed to an entomologist from New Zealand who hears the name George Vernon Hudson, who proposed the move in 1895 for purely practical (and somewhat egotistical - so that he could search for insects later in the evening hours in his free time). in Slovenia, we officially started moving the clock in 1983 (from March 27 of that year), and on a trial basis already in 1941.

READ MORE: Itero: a modern pocket watch from Slovenia on Kickstarter

We will move the clock to winter time. Long days, see you again in the spring!
We will move the clock to winter time. Long days, see you again in the spring!

The movement of the clock has always raised dust, and it does never ending global warming style saga, which gets a new boost every October and March. One study finds that it is clock shift harmful to our health, yet others refute this. At the same time, it is also repeatedly questioned energy saving (which is why the clock shift really exists at all) which is negligible. Both savings and impacts on health are difficult to verify/measure, and where the scales will tip in the future, on the side of savings or health, we do not dare to predict. That is why we can already announce that we will move the hands on the clocks to summer time again on Sunday, March 27, 2016.

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