
Coded Couture: the smartphone as a personal tailor and fashion designer

Coded Couture

The time is coming when your smartphone will also become your personal tailor and fashion designer. Fashion emphasizes personality and strengthens our self-confidence. But finding something unique can be difficult. That's why the Coded Couture project was born, which, based on the data collected by a dedicated mobile application, tailors a dress to your taste and taste. The technology learns from the user and knows what he likes to do, where he likes to go, when he goes to work... It then uses all this knowledge to create a unique dress with a personal story.

What if you could smartphone tailored the dress the way you want it? Such a future is not far away. Google and a digital fashion house Ivyrevel launched the project Coded Couture, which using technology Google Awareness API – this enables the device to understand the context or the situation; for example, if you put on your headphones and start running, it suggests a suitable music list, etc. – follows the activities and habits of the individual and based on the collected data creates a tailored dress custom and taste user.

READ MORE: A dress that protects you from intrusions into your personal space

Although the application is still in the testing phase (currently testing alpha versions), but it is already roughly known how it works. At first we determine an occasion for which we need a dress (for a party, meeting, gala event...), then the application starts tracking and recording activities and habits of the user, and after a week the dress is in digital format done. You can do it your way let's customize the design and in the final stage we order it from Ivyrevel. Crazy, huh?

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