
It will change your coffee forever: you will never drink it again without this ingredient!

There is an ingredient that will change the taste of your coffee forever. And no, they are not milk or cream.

Can Turkish coffee get any better? YOU CAN! And what do you have to do? All you need is ground coffee and VANILLA.


  • 100 g of ground coffee
  • 2 sticks of vanilla


Store the coffee in a dry and clean container. Cut the vanilla in half, cut it in half lengthwise again and add it to the coffee. Close the package and wait a week. Then brew the coffee normally and you will be simply delighted with the taste!

Vanilla will enhance the taste of your coffee.
Vanilla will enhance the taste of your coffee.

Did you know that coffee can also repel mosquitoes?

Coffee grounds is said to be a safe and effective way to repel pesky mosquitoes as well as wasps. Why is this supposed to work? Most insects have a very well-developed sense of smell, which means that they are quickly distracted by the strong smell of coffee grounds, especially if you burn the coffee grounds.

So what can you do? First of all dry coffee grounds - cover it with foil and leave it in a cool, dark place to dry completely. Then transfer the coffee grounds to a bowl or to a flat surface (a piece of aluminum foil). You do all this outdoors. Now she does burn it (like lighting an incense stick or incense, for example). For an extra effect on the fire, add more fresh bay leaves.

Your repellent is ready. If you have a picnic or an evening gathering outdoors, it is recommended to install several stations with coffee repellent.

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