
Coffee Shop Company

Good coffee is not a secret, but an art. This is exactly what they are aware of at the Coffeeshop Company, which recently opened its first lounge corner in Slovenia in the Europark shopping center in Maribor. The cafe offers Coffe To Go or coffee to go. A wide variety of various coffee drinks will be presented to us...

Basic information
Coffee Shop Company
Pobreška 18
from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
(02) 331 27 78

Good coffee is not a secret, but an art. This is exactly what they are aware of at the Coffeeshop Company, which recently opened its first lounge corner in Slovenia in the Europark shopping center in Maribor. The cafe offers Coffe To Go or coffee to go. Experienced baristas (experts in the preparation of coffee and coffee drinks) will present a wide variety of various coffee drinks. Along with good coffee, we will be able to enjoy excellent snacks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, selected teas and catch up on work e-mail with the help of a free wireless internet connection. We can create a personal coffee drink with cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla and cocoa powder. Barista Special, White Chocolate, Caffe Latte, Chai Latte or white Moccacino are worth trying. We will be able to satisfy an empty stomach with excellent bagels (bread stuffed with various fillings), panini (typical Italian breads stuffed with tuna, mozzarella or prosciutto) and wraps (rolled tortillas with various fillings). Those with a sweet tooth will drool over the chocolate almond cake, cottage cheese slice, chocolate croissant or hazelnut brownie, which are just the right combination with good coffee. Let's not overlook the offer of the day and the drink of the month, as well as the possibility to take top quality coffee blends home, for yourself or as a gift. Let's indulge in the smell of coffee in the Coffeshop, which combines the modern, urban with the traditional. Where drinking coffee is experienced as a way of life.

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