
Čokoljana – chocolate fair in the center of Ljubljana

The Ljubljana market will exchange fruits and vegetables for chocolate for one day with the Čokoljana event, which will certainly delight all those with a sweet tooth.

Important information
Market Center
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

What can be produced with cocoa and where does chocolate appear - from classic chocolate pralines to chocolate beer and wine to cosmetics... - all this and more on Chocolatiers, the first chocolate fair in the center of the capital. Visitors will be able to try their hand at chocolate workshops, have fun at animations, and listen to a lecture on chocolate in nutrition and its impact on health. At the evening event in the Circus, fifteen creations of the Faculty of Design will be presented at a fashion show inspired by chocolate, which will entertain the visitors the DreamOn group.

Along with all this, a prize draw will be held, the main prize of which is a Gorenje refrigerator full of chocolate!
Along with all this, a prize draw will be held, the main prize of which is a Gorenje refrigerator full of chocolate!


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