
The NOWAEst collective: unique Slovenian products with the signature of recycling

Have we heard of the concept of reuse? The principle is simple, let's just look at what we throw away or recycle and try to reuse it all. In a different, innovative way. And it is precisely the latter that the NOWAstE collective does.

Reuse, or as the girls jokingly call it, recycling, is more environmentally friendly than recycling, because we don't need collection, separation and processing, and all the energy and additional raw materials that recycling requires. Upcycling, reuse is becoming a leading branch of sustainable fashion, which is slowly penetrating our market. The driving force of the collective NOWAstE they are Shori bullet, Petra Doljak and Urša Skumavac. All three from different fields combine their knowledge and passion in a team that not only creates beautiful and useful fashion accessories, but also expands imagination with their help and at the same time makes us aware of the importance and increasing need of reuse in today's time. So girls organize workshops, where we can learn to reuse objects that we no longer use. For companies they perform green marketing services by turning their waste into business gifts or promotional tools.

A unique bag
A unique bag

We find with them unique bags from advertising tarpaulins of superior design, fashion accessories from packaging, used textiles and ties and various belts and on and on. Their offer is increasing day by day, because imagination knows no bounds. The girls simply fascinate us with their ingenuity because they work and create within the collective because they believe that reuse is the simplest recipe for achieving great social changes. Let's support them by attending their workshops, by buying a piece of clothing...

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