
Color Flow: furniture that changes color

Furniture that changes color.

Human imagination is limitless and never ceases to amaze. This time we're talking about furniture, and even though we've already presented quite a few quirky and unusual ideas, we haven't seen anything like this yet. If vibrant colors are your thing, this is for you. Introducing Color Flow, furniture that changes color.

Korean design Studio Orijen famous for many projects, including furniture. And with a line Color Flow will probably draw more attention to himself.

Color Flow are two cabinets with lenticular surface. What does lenticular even mean? A lenticular (biconvex) image can be described as a specially prepared graphic which, in combination with a lenticular (biconvex) lens creates the appearance of movement. The appearance of movement is noticed by the observer when he observes the graphic at different viewing angles. So if you change the place from which you look at the cabinet, the colors change all the time.

Wardrobe colors they flow between green and blue, and the cabinet with legs includes a color palette between blue and pink. If this doesn't liven up your space, we really don't know what will.

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