
Venus retrograde in Leo is coming: 3 astrological signs are in for an emotional tornado

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Retrograde Venus in Leo brings the possibility of returning to old love ways. Despite the passion and attraction that Venus in Leo usually conveys, it is important to be careful when rekindling romances and past love affairs.

Venus retrograde. Astrology is an ancient science that believes in the connection between the positions of the planets and the events in a person's life. One of the planets that has a special meaning in astrology is Venus. Venus it symbolizes love, romantic relationships, beauty, art, aesthetics and values. Its influence on our capacity for love and attraction is important in understanding our emotional life.

Retrograde energy – Venus retrograde it offers us the opportunity to look back and examine past experiences to better understand what we want in love. The period of retrograde Venus lasts from July 23 to September 4, which gives us enough time to introspect and prepare for new love opportunities in the future.

However, it is important to be careful with this return to old love ways, as it may turn out to be a mistake in the end. Retrograde Venus opens the door to past situations, but at the same time it can also reveal their shortcomings, which makes it important to consider past experiences and be realistic about expectations.

What does this astrological phenomenon bring you? Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

Venus retrograde in Leo will especially affect people born with the Sun Sign of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. These people will especially feel the energy of returning to old love areas and have the opportunity to renew past romantic ties. Nevertheless, all astrological signs will feel the influence of retrograde Venus on some level, except that the mentioned three signs will stand out.


Venus will be retrograde in your fifth house, which means you can prepare to reconnect with your former partner. A person with whom you previously had an emotional connection will want to come back into your life. However, it is important to be careful as your feelings will change drastically from October.

Rekindling an old romance under the influence of Venus retrograde can turn out to be a mistake in the end. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful and watch your emotions. This period is not favorable for starting new emotional relationships.


Venus retrograde in Leo brings you the possibility of meeting a person with whom you have not had contact for some time. You may have separated or lost contact with someone of a different nationality or religion. Either way, expect an old love to show up. However, it is important to pay attention to how things will develop, as Venus retrograde can also bring up some challenges from the past. Be open to the possibility of rekindling a romantic relationship, but keep your expectations realistic.

You have an exciting summer ahead of you. Photo: Fernanda Nuso / Unsplash


As a Leo, you will feel the influence of retrograde Venus most strongly, as it is in your sign. An exciting summer is ahead of you, which brings new acquaintances, as well as the return of people from the past.

From July 23 onwards, you will have the opportunity to reconcile with someone from the past and face past emotions. But be careful as you will be emotionally rebounding, which can bring some challenges. It's important to be aware of how your feelings are evolving and to maintain a clear understanding of your needs and wants.

Those who are born in taurus, scorpio and aquarius, will feel an adverse influence under the influence of retrograde Venus. This period will bring intense thoughts about old loves and can cause quite a lot of inner turmoil. It is important to dig deep within yourself and examine your emotional needs and face the challenges that may arise during this period.

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