
Common laundry mistakes - that's why the washed laundry has an unpleasant smell

Photo: envato

Why doesn't your laundry smell as fresh as you'd expect? Even though it looks like you followed all the washing instructions and used a good quality detergent. Why is this happening? What can you do to prevent the unpleasant odor from recurring?

Why washed laundry does it smell bad? Preparing the washing machine, choosing the right detergent and carefully selected detergent are just some of the steps we take to ensure clean and fragrant laundry.

However, even so, it can happen that clothes, towels or bed linen, which are carefully washed, emit an unpleasant smell after washing. This can trigger feelings of frustration and disappointment, especially if this happens despite efforts to properly care for your laundry.

Why does washed laundry have an unpleasant smell?

What causes this unpleasant smell, which is sometimes so difficult to eliminate? There are several factors that can contribute to that just now washed laundry does not smell fresh, as you would expect. The reasons can be different, let's look at some of them.

1. Improper use of detergent

One of the main reasons for an unpleasant smell in washed laundry can be the incorrect use of detergent. If you add too much, the detergent may not be completely rinsed, which may cause the detergent to be retained in the clothes. This can lead to laundry becoming hard and smelly. On the other hand, not enough detergent may not do its job and not remove all the dirt, which can also cause unpleasant odors.

Laundry does not smell after washing - why? Photo: Rdne Stock Project / Pexels

2. Too much laundry in the washing machine

Overloading the washing machine is another common mistake that can lead to an unpleasant smell in the washed laundry. If the washing machine is overfilled, the detergent and water may not have enough space to distribute evenly throughout the clothes. This can mean that some clothes are not cleaned thoroughly, which can cause an unpleasant smell.

3. Incomplete rinsing

Incomplete rinsing of laundry is another common problem that can cause unpleasant odors. If laundry is not washed thoroughly, detergent and dirt can become trapped in the fabric. This can cause an unpleasant smell, which can intensify as the laundry dries. To avoid this, make sure you select the correct rinse settings and that the washing machine is working properly.

The towels have an unpleasant smell. Photo: Pixabay

4. Problems with the washing machine

If you have followed all the tips for washing clothes correctly and you still notice an unpleasant smell, the problem may be with the washing machine itself. Problems with the washing machine, such as clogged pipes, dirty filters or malfunctions in the machine, can cause the laundry to not be washed thoroughly and to emit an unpleasant smell. In this case, it is recommended that you call a washing machine repair professional to inspect and, if necessary, repair your appliance.

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