
The Computer of the Future: Goodbye Physical Screen, Goodbye Case!

Glasses for virtual reality

Is this the computer of the future? In the near future, computers as we know them will only find a place in museums, antique shops and collectors. The Magic Leap company demonstrated what a computer of the future will look like, which no longer needs a physical screen and case. Virtual reality glasses will be enough and you will have the world in the palm of your hand.

Providers computer equipment they supply us monthly with novelties for which they lack surpluses and for which they say yes they change everything. If you look to the future through the "forest" of laptops and smartphones, you are looking in the wrong direction. It is a branch that dries up. Slowly but steadily. Changes come from elsewhere. Which will really change everything and shake up the (tech) world as they will new PCs, are not in the hands of those who offer laptops and phones. They do not (yet) have in their hands the potential to change everything. A Florida company Magic Leap it (already) has this potential.

READ MORE: GoPro Omni: VR housing for 360-degree video capture for recreational users

Augmented reality is becoming part of everyday life.
Augmented reality is becoming part of everyday life.

The company specializes in devices and content for virtual or augmented reality. So far, they've more than teased with gameplay demos and cheeky footage, but there's been nothing really tangible. Until today, when they posted a demo of the technology that will actually change everything online showing how it will be done an augmented reality world completely changed. It should be emphasized that the video does not contain special effects and did not undergo post-production. We look through VR glasses and learn how we will surf the web, shop online and use social networks in the future.

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