The eternally young Canadian musician is returning to Slovenia again, where he will revive the memory of his greatest hits, which he combined in the Ultimate album, as part of The Ultimate Tour. It will be here in three months!
O to Bryan Adams there is no need to give away, because there is enough information that his music reached the top of the charts in more than one 40 countries worldwide. He is the recipient of many awards, and his greatness is best exemplified an award of merit given to him by Canada.
Years 2014 marked the 30th anniversary of his iconic album Reckless, still has over 100 concerts a year. He went to Slovenia this year because of the Ultimate compilation album, on which fans of his music will hear greatest hits and two new songs.
They rank him at the very top of the best pop rock artists, which he proved "live" on his last concert in Ljubljana in 2014. At his performances, he gives his all but you will have to wait another three months for his energy and sincerity.
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