
Concert: Cold beer - Cvetličarna - the sounding name of Croatian post-punk again in Ljubljana

Hladno pivo, one of the biggest Croatian rock bands, is coming to Slovenia again. This April, they released their eighth album, Days of Closed Doors, with which, among other things, they are also coming to Cvetličarna in Ljubljana in October.

Important information
Flower shop, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
first hundred tickets: €15; pre-sale price: €18

Group Cold beer records its beginnings already in the distant year 1988. The members met in high school and in the beginning played songs by foreign punk and hard rock bands. The first serious demo recording was created after military service in the JLA. Shortly after that, the first album with the title was created Giant (1993), for which they received the Croatian Music Award purin.
The boys continued to play punk and hardcore with socially critical texts. Over the years, their music has taken on a bit of a profile - it's gotten softer, it's gotten more rock, but it's still strong, and the lyrics have gotten more and more witty and cynical. In 2003, they received Cold Beer recognition of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for media achievements in drawing attention to human rights issues.
Although more than two decades of creation and concerts are already behind them, Hladno pivo are still a relevant and coherent band that presented the audience with some almost cult albums - GAD (1995), Ten (1997) – and they also proved their authorial power with later editions – Appeal Book (2007), Glamor World (2011).
Hladno pivo released their eighth album in April this year Closed door days with fifteen songs, or "51 minutes of music for jumping and crying", as the band says, and some of them, such as Messi and Na ovim přejmas, were presented to the public earlier.

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