
Velomobil GinzVelo – a closed hybrid tricycle that goes as fast as a car

GinzVelo hybrid bike

GinzVelo is a velomobile, i.e. a car-bike that goes as fast as a car. It is a tricycle with a closed cabin, which, in addition to the power of the rider, can also be powered by a 500-watt motor in the hub of the rear wheel, which is powered by a 48-watt battery. It is the child of inventor Peter Ginzburg, who himself calls it a human-electric hybrid vehicle (HEH Vehicle), and he is looking for customers through a Kickstarter campaign.

If investors don't have an ear, Kickstarter sure does, full of bold/breakthrough ideas and different eager buyers. It also belongs in this story velomobile GinzVelo, hybrid tricycle, which is in combination with a 500-watt electric motor, which is powered from lithium polymer batteries (20 Ah), capable of transporting a cyclist at car speed.

Lezikolo in armor or a shell that acts like a glider head is usable in almost all weather conditions. It is intended for one passenger, and the battery can carry it from 100 to 150 kilometers away. But this is only the range of the battery, the actual range depends on his physical fitness. However, it is necessary to know that the drive of a 40-kilogram tricycle it's not whooping cough, so don't let a dead battery get you down the hill. With the help of an electric motor, the "hard-headed" GinzVelo can travel with a speed of up to 32 km/h, if a person "intervenes", he can climb everything up to 50 km/h.

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The GinzVelo hybrid bike represents comfortable, safe, flexible and weather-independent transportation.
The GinzVelo hybrid bike represents comfortable, safe, flexible and weather-independent transportation.

If you are wondering if you can use the aerodynamic GinzVelo on bike lanes or belongs to the roads, the answer is as follows. GinzVelo is "registered" as a bicycle, so they are valid for the owner same rules as for classic cyclists. And although this tricycle seems like higher science, it uses it standard bicycle components, so you will have no more work to do with maintenance than with a classic two-wheeler. Only if you polish the cabin. It is for first time buyers on Kickstarter already available for (calculated) 2660 euros.

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