
D KOKKs concert: Prva album presentation in Orto Bar

The family band D KOKKs will present their first album Prva in Orto Bar. Their musical variety takes us from ballad-rhythmic to harder rock rhythms, and they are no stranger to punk and metal. They will not leave us indifferent with their original music, striking lyrics and charismatic performance.

Important information
Orto Bar, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 €

Family rock band D KOKKs is one of the most energetic groups in our country. Since the birth of the band in 2014, they have created 30 original compositions and two videos, which they presented on Slovenian club stages, festivals and their own concert events.

D KOKKs consists of a mix of generations (from 24 to 61 years old), who are connected by family and friendship ties, a passion for creating music and performing, but at the same time they are distinguished by generational differences, which makes the band even more special. Frontman and lyricist Anže Gallus Rooster, on the guitar Urban Rooster, the father of both beats the drums Milan Petelin and Ivan Klun on the bass.

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Their debut music album the first, which was released in November, has a passionate, energetic, loose and sophisticated rock sound. Simple and at the same time complex - all this is the Prva album. It contains 10 songs that were created in the last two years. The CD has a range from hard rock Ogenj to the ballad Don't cry!

At the promotion of the album in Orto Bar, the seasoned rocker rooster will join the band on second guitar Sergey Run away (Mountain, Billys) and a flute player Urška Forštnarič.

Video: D KKOKs: The Queen

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