The world-famous British trip-hop pioneers Morcheeb are returning to Ljubljana in May 2019. Charismatic singer Skye Edwards and psychedelic guitarist Ross Godfrey will give us an overview of their extensive discography, from classic hits like Rome Wasn't Built In A Day to fresh material from last year's ninth album.
The cast Morcheeb was created in the mid-1990s. A combination of casual trip-hop, soulful sensuality and psychedelic guitar accents quickly won over critics and listeners alike, tracks such as Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, Trigger Hippie and Love Is Rare however, they quickly became a fixture on radio stations as well.
The band, which has sold more than ten million copies of its albums to date, has also established itself as a concert powerhouse with exceptional mileage. As we were able to see in Slovenia, e.g. at festivals FUKSi and Schengenfest, the live band provides great performance and musical entertainment, which, even thanks to the incredible voice of the singer Skye Zlepa, cannot be forgotten.
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