
Doomed to be alone: 5 types of women who find it difficult to find love

Most women definitely have the qualities of all five types of women in them. And if they know how to maintain a balance between these qualities, then we can probably say that they are good partners. But there are also such ladies who bet on only one form of behavior, which is always to blame for NEVER FINDING LOVE. Unfortunately, such women are doomed to loneliness if they do not change.

1. Mom

Not only is she her partner's girlfriend, she is life coach, psychotherapist and mother. He wants to change it, improve it, he understands it as his project. He invests in it emotionally as well as financially. She cares for him as if she gave birth to him. You might think at first glance, "thank him", but this type of woman can be difficult at times, just like any mother.

Why is she like that? In childhood, she may have played the role of "mother" for her younger brothers or sisters, and her parents unconsciously instilled in her the fact that she also takes care of her future chosen one.


2. Miss "Soulmate"

An idealist who sees the potential of the "True Lord" in every man and is obsessed with finding him at any cost. After a failed relationship, she panics because she may have lost the chance to find her soul mate. With her behavior, she scares most men, because no one wants marriage, children and plans for old age after a good week of relationship.

Why is she like that? It is possible that she did not have enough attention and love in her childhood, so she grew up with fantasies of one day living in a harmonious family.

Miss "Soulmate"
Miss "Soulmate"

3. "Sex Machine"

The title says it all - this is a woman who wants sex, more sex, and only sex. The first association with such a woman is certainly Samantha from the Sex and the City series: sexuality is pure fun for her, she has everything under control and runs away from the relationship. Fortunately, Samantha is just a character from the series and in reality things are not that drastic, but such a woman is not really interested in emotions either. She is mainly attracted to men who are similar to her and from whom she gets what she wants. Most likely, even such a woman will sooner or later want a real relationship, and she may have a lot of problems in finding one.

Why is she like that? The experiences she had were based solely on sexuality. That's how she got used to the fact that relationships are really about sex.

"Sex Machine"
"Sex Machine"

4. Anaconda

Dangerous as its name. Afraid that her chosen one will leave or deceive her, she can be a great manipulator. In addition to keeping his partner in the loop, he keeps track of everything and is always ready. When her partner leaves her, she takes solace in the fact that her doubts were justified.

Why is she like that? Early relationships and experiences made her who she is today. The main reason is deception, so now she is cautious and dangerous - like an anaconda.


5. Mrospodic "Perfect"

A woman conquers the world with the perfect look, the perfect job, the perfect life... She has high standards, is never relaxed and is a pretty cold person. She repeatedly criticizes her partner and rarely does anything satisfy her criteria.

Why is she like that? She most likely grew up in a family where her parents had high standards and now believes that no one is good enough for her.

Miss "Perfect"
Miss "Perfect"

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