
A confession that many will find themselves in: 5 reasons why I will not marry my partner

Photo: IG couples4lovers

"Our love needs no paper."

In many relationships, marriage is a normal consequence of love when the partners realize that they want to live with each other. Marriage is not everyone's wish, there are also couples and partners who do not need this step.

None of these options are wrong, neither the one where they choose to marry nor the one where they don't choose to marry. Everyone has their own reasons that you should respect.

Shanon, who has been in a relationship for many years, decided to give YourTango the reasons why she and her partner decided not to get married to perpetuate their long-term relationship.

She explained that many of their friends choose to take this step, but it is not an option for them. He also says that they are not postponing the wedding, but simply do not want it.

These are her or their reasons why.

1. Paper means nothing to us

We have been in a relationship for 13 years and are completely committed to each other. We love each other, we share expenses, we do everything we would do in marriage. We believe that paper would not change anything in our case, so we decided to skip this step.

2. We want to avoid costs

Wedding prices can skyrocket, we can't finance it ourselves and we don't have parents who can come to our aid. That's why we decided to skip this step. Our family and friends know that we love each other even without marriage, and that is enough for us.

3. We don't want to create burdens for our loved ones

I actually come back to another point here. We can't finance a big wedding on our own, and I don't want to pressure people close to us to help us. In fact, none of this even matters because no one forbids us to get married without much fanfare. We just don't want that, and that's the most important thing in this whole story.

4. We are both children of divorced parents

Neither of us lost faith in love because of our parents' divorce. Instead, we learned valuable lessons about how not to behave in a relationship. Our parents' divorces, however, affected our views on marriage, which, if you ask us, is no guarantee of longevity. We learned that we can be happy without him.

5. We don't care about social norms

We never cared what others thought. We won't get married just because someone else thinks we should. We live our lives based on our beliefs, desires and goals.

And finally, I want to emphasize that I do not hate marriage or people who choose to marry. In fact, we celebrate love with them. If marriage is the most beautiful thing in the world for someone, we will support him in his decision.

It's just something that's not on our wish list.

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