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Conversations about sexuality you need to have with your partner!

Before you dive into the world of sexuality with someone, it's time to have a serious conversation about this and that.

Talking about an intimate relationship is just as important as the intimate relationship itself. That is to say, in order for the sexual relationship to be good, a good foreplay and before that a quality conversation is necessary. After all, how do you think your partner will know you love foreplay if you don't tell them? Will you show it to him? How?

Often, many things remain open and you take them for granted, but after disagreements arise, you realize that this was not the case. No one will read your mind, even if you and your partner know each other very well. You also can't read someone's mind, even if you think you can.

A good relationship is based on conversation, openness, trust, love and good and healthy sex. And that's why you should have the following conversations with your partner to make everything work even better and for both of you to enjoy intimacy without shame.

Talking about sexual health

It's a bit of a complicated topic, but it's something you two need to talk about when you decide to have sex. STDs are a reality. A condom is a must. However, couples who have been together for a long time often do not use condoms. To get to this stage, you need to know that your partner is as healthy as ever, and that neither of you has an STD that you can pass on to the other. Therefore, it is very important to have this conversation the moment you decide to remove the condom.

Setting boundaries

Experimentation is fine, but you will agree that everyone experiments differently. For some, experimentation is trying out new poses, for others, for example, sex in a public place. This covers a lot, so before you bring anything new into your bedroom, check your partner's limits and also let them know what you wouldn't want to try, what you just aren't interested in, and what you definitely don't enjoy. This is a conversation that adult couples should have with the goal of increasing pleasure.

Talk about your fantasies

There is nothing better than fantasizing with your partner, that look in their eyes that approves of everything. Fantasy is one thing, reality is another, but surely most things can turn into reality if both are interested. Tell him all your wishes, this will also be a special kind of rapprochement.

How to climax

Yes, this is also being discussed. We know it's easier for men. But when it comes to women, there are many pitfalls. So, not all women experience orgasm during intercourse and penetration, something more is needed. We also know that many men try, but if they try in the wrong way, they still will not achieve orgasm in a woman. Tell them what to do and explain to them the best and easiest way to climax. We know you might be a little embarrassed, but after this conversation, everything will be a lot better.

How often you will have sex

We know that intercourse mostly happens spontaneously, and that's how it should be. At the beginning of relationships, partners have sex more often because they are getting to know each other. Then the situation calms down a bit and they continue with regular relations, which must be satisfactory for both. Quality is as important as frequency.

What contraception are you using?

And don't lie to yourself, the fact is that many couples do not use a condom and many think that it is much better without a condom. This needs to be discussed. Long-term partners usually do not use protection, but there are also those who almost never use protection, even if they only have occasional relationships. If you start a relationship with such a partner, then it can be a big problem, because he can infect you with sexually transmitted diseases. Talking about other contraceptive methods like the pill and the like can also be one of the topics. Everything is open to keep sex games interesting.

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