
The wine is now also available in cans

A cool concept that combines a handsome can and a delicious Pinot

Attention all wine lovers! Let's sit comfortably and admire the latest invention, which hides delicious Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir inside, which we would enjoy tasting right now.

Namely straight from a designer can, which in no way fills us with the feeling that the wine would be of lower quality due to the selected packaging. On the contrary, at Union Wine Co. they came up with a truly genius idea – high-quality wine in a beautifully designed can.

Designer can.
Designer can.

Otherwise, the concept is not exactly for everyone, as it definitely takes away some seriousness from the sophisticated wine culture. Anyone who considers the culture of drinking wine too snobbish, but still enjoys a good drop of wine, will appreciate the idea. Portland the winery aims precisely at the latter, as it will lower the price of the product with modern packaging, but the wine will still be of high quality. The product, which will hit US shelves this spring, will be available in white and red versions.

The can is suitable for those who want to buy quality wine at a lower price.
The can is suitable for those who want to buy quality wine at a lower price.

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The Minister of Health warns: Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health!

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