
The Coolest Private Jet in the World “Cloudmaster”

Easily one of the coolest private jets around.

The Cloudmaster is a DC-6 built way back in 1958 in Santa Monica, California and bearing the designation G-APSA. Throughout its life, it performed many tasks as an aircraft for commercial charter flights and the military. Today, G-APSA's "Claudmaster" is one of the coolest private jets around.

The Cloudmaster is truly something special. A restored aircraft waiting for its owners.
The Cloudmaster is truly something special. A restored aircraft waiting for its owners.

Throughout its colorful history, it has G-APSA flew around the world on various missions. In the service of the army, he flew over most of the military bases around the world several times in less than two weeks. Different owners used it for completely different purposes. In 2008, however, he appeared as an old-timer at one of the exceptional exhibitions of "old-timers", where he attracted a lot of interest for rent. The idea was born. G-APSA will get a new assignment. It will become a luxury private jet.

As a charter plane.
As a charter plane.

They started the renovation with special care and with the cooperation of some of the best engineers who have previously participated in the restoration of these types of aircraft. They hired a well-known design studio for the design Bannenberg & Rowell, which in principle deals exclusively with the interior design of yachts. In doing so, they managed to make the plane truly something special.

Notrajnost was designed by a renowned design studio that designs yacht interiors.
Notrajnost was designed by a renowned design studio that designs yacht interiors.

The Cloudmaster can take on board up to 30 passengers. Transatlantic flights do not cause him any problems, and he flies lower than commercial flights, which offers guests an exceptional view of the landscape, which can be observed through enlarged and specially adapted windows.

The renovated aircraft has a lot of innovations that are built into newer aircraft. Thus, the climate system is partly taken from the newer Boeing 787s and adapted for this aircraft. Which ensures an excellent microclimate.

Motorizacja is basically the golden classic of aviation. Pratt & Whitney- living engines, four in total, each of which has enough power 18 cylinders and they have a common power 2500 of horses, they consume 1000 kg of fuel per hour. Interestingly, it is aircraft consumption extremely low and comparable to some much smaller contemporaries, as the plane consumes the same amount of fuel on the same route.

Red Bull took their DC-6 and restored it in their own way.

You want to become a co-owner of this flying luxury product. Nothing easier than that. The plane can be bought in co-ownership with 7 other lucky people. Namely, joint ownership will significantly reduce the cost of ownership. One way or another, you can't use the plane every day. All together, it seems like an ideal recipe, since maintenance and the rest is taken care of by a special company owned by the owners of the plane.

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