
Cornea: how popular will your photo be on social networks?

That's why we publish them, right? To be noticed and possibly liked by others. This is one of the modern forms of interaction between us, and with increasingly better mobile devices, this trend will probably continue. Now there is a Cornea app that will make it a little easier for us to do that. Let's see how.

Cornea AI is an application that, even before you publish a photo on one of the social networks, will 'advise' you how to improve it so that it will be noticed even more.

And how does he do it? With use AI, artificial intelligence, with which you can predicts the popularity of your 'photo'. You can improve your higher score with by adding different filters, which in Cornea can also create yourself. When you're happy with the photo, the app also offers you marker set, better known as hashtags, with which you can share the photo with as many people as possible. The app is available in stores Apple AppStore and Google Play.

So with Corneo, you will be able to post photos more confidently and collect likes. What's more beautiful?

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