
Coronavirus: 13 concrete measures that every individual can take to curb the coronavirus!

Italy stood still yesterday. Quarantine measures now apply to the entire country. The Italian government has restricted the movement of 60 million Italians to only the most essential. Without proven needs, staying in the "outdoors" is simply prohibited. Violations are punishable by imprisonment of up to three months. People die in homes. Hospitals and intensive care have not had the capacity for the most urgent cases for several days. A state of war or state of emergency applies. This is also why everyone can already take measures today, with which we will jointly help contain the coronavirus in Slovenia as well.

Italian Prime Minister Conte it's yesterday stepped before the Italians in the evening. He came to the press room alone. He announced the most dramatic news of their governments, the most dramatic news of modern Italy: "We made a new decision based on all known facts: there is no time," he says. "The numbers tell us that we have an exceptional increase in infections among citizens hospitalized in intensive care, unfortunately also among the deceased. Our habits must therefore change. They need to be changed now. I immediately decided to take even more stringent measures. The measure is the one you expect and is now inevitable: I will sign a decree that every individual must take literally, 'we stay at home'. Italy is a protected area, Italy is a quarantine. Italy can stand up and rise again," adds Prime Minister Conte."

Prime Minister Conte adopted the decree immediately after receiving new information about the patients in the last 24 hours. These were new yesterday as many as 1,797. According to expectations, the number of patients will already be more than today 10.000. By the end of this week, however, the number of infected people may rise at current trends to over 20,000. It should be emphasized that Italy had its 19th case of infection exactly 19 days ago, on February 21. Despite the many and exemplary measures, the spread of the virus is incredibly fast. The current death toll is 463, which is an alarming percentage considering the number of patients. It represents just 4.5 percent death rate from the coronavirus in Italy.

The new data will be published today at 18:45. You can follow them through this link:

Video reactions from the media around the world when the quarantine was announced:

It seems we have to, people always learn from your mistakes. Such is human nature. We don't take things seriously without our own experience. But all the same, those responsible in Slovenia should start preparing completely differently and more quickly than they are. Especially the hospitals, which in a few days will experience a real wave of patients among whom will be 10 percent of those, who will need special intensive care. Doctors from Italy are already warning that it is necessary to prepare additional beds for such cases. The latter should simply be taken into account and hospitals immediately clear all non-emergencies. Namely, the difference between the success of the treatment of the sick will in the future divide the countries into those that have managed to help the sick, and those where the health system has broken down. And the state of the Slovenian healthcare system it is not at an enviable level.

In the following, we reviewed some self-protection measures that each individual can start implementing today at their own discretion.

13 concrete self-protection measures that every individual can take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection today:

  1. Absolute cough hygiene and snoring, without exception.
  2. Recommended distance between individuals, which applies to all public spaces, is 1 meter. We don't stand in groups, we don't push each other and we don't touch others. This also applies to species v shops and cash registers. Keep your distance 1 meter. And it applies to all other situations where several people gather (post office, bank, ...).
  3. We do not visit public places: bars, fitness centers, movie theater. In other words, all the rooms where holds several people at once.
  4. We don't stay in groups. We do not visit at home. We don't celebrate birthdays.
  5. We go shopping individually and not in pairs. It is recommended that makes purchases only once a week.
  6. As far as we have protective equipment, we use them (gloves, masks). We use them correctly and in accordance with the recommendations of experts.
  7. As long as you are chronic patient, take care of at least 30-day supply your prescribed medications. Write to your personal doctor for an electronic prescription.
  8. Ob any symptoms, such as elevated temperature, cough, snoring, contact your personal physician. As far as possible, if symptoms are recognized, immediately isolate yourself from those closest to you. Alone, unaccompanied, after consultation with your personal doctor, go to one of the reception points to collect the swab. If you have a mask or other protective equipment, use it now. 
  9. As far as possible we work from home.
  10. We hold meetings via video calls and other tools.
  11. We do not place children in the care of grandparents. Children often survive the coronavirus infection as a mild cold. The disease, however, is not expressed or detected. Older people and chronic patients are especially susceptible to the more severe form of the coronavirus.
  12. We don't use public transport.
  13. No we travel abroad.

The above are the measures currently recommended in Italy. Similar official instructions but they will possibly apply in our country as well in a few days. Be sure to get to know them and, if you can, take them into account today.

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