
Costa Coffee conquers the world and Slovenia with its legendary coffee taste

Photo: Costa Coffee
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Costa Coffee is certainly a well-known name to coffee lovers. Those of you who have ever visited London have had the opportunity to experience their legendary coffee taste in one of their many cafes. We also recommend to everyone else that on your next visit to the English capital, you should try the coffee with a sweet, velvety and characteristic taste, which has ranked Costa Coffee as one of the most popular cafes in London for ten years in a row.

From Italian roots to world fame

A story about the company Costa Coffee she is already fifty years old. In 1971, brothers Sergio and Bruno Costa arrived in London from Italy with a passionate desire to make premium coffee a part of the everyday life of Londoners. They opened a small coffee roastery on Fenchurch Street and dedicated themselves to creating coffee of the highest quality. At first, they sold coffee beans to prestigious London hotels such as the Ritz.

Photo: Costa Coffee

In 1981, they opened their first cafe Costa Coffeh on Vauxhall Bridge Road. In this innovative cafe, the brothers became the first coffee providers in London to serve espresso and cappuccino in porcelain cups so customers could experience coffee at its best. Soon they started opening cafes in prestigious locations in London, which became destinations for trendy Londoners. Today Costa Coffee operates in 31 international markets, where it has almost 4,000 cafes. It is considered the fastest growing chain of coffee shops in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the refined taste of this coffee can now also be enjoyed in Slovenia.

Quality grain ensures a legendary taste

Photo: Costa Coffee

Since quality was a priority for the Costa brothers, they tested 112 coffee blends before settling on the one that became “Signature Blend”. They called it "Mocha Italy" and for 50 years it has remained a famous mixture of the best taste. The iconic "Signature Blend" represents the perfect combination and balance between delicate Arabica coffee beans and strong Robusta coffee beans, precisely and slowly roasted for at least 18 minutes, which ensures a strong taste, rich aroma and velvety note. For Costa Coffeee it is thus less than 5% of all coffee beans in the world of sufficient quality.

Home barista

It has never been easier to awaken the true barista in yourself and enjoy at home Costa Coffee. Whether you prefer whole beans or pre-ground coffee or use a Nespresso coffee machine, you will taste a rich and luxurious taste Costa Coffeh, as you would expect in one of their cafes.

Photo: Costa Coffee

To prepare aromatic coffee, in addition to the aforementioned Signature Blend, which has a velvety nutty taste, you can choose from four other blends. Signature Blend dark roast with a strong and chocolate flavor, Bright Blend from 100% Arabica and honey flavor, Colombian Single Origin also from 100% Arabica and rich, caramel flavors and finally decaffeinated coffee Decaf Blend with a delicate taste of biscuits.

Not only quality, but also a sustainable approach is important

At Costa Coffee they realize that the future of all of us lies in a sustainable approach in all areas. That is why they want to operate sustainably and invest in sustainable coffee supply, which ensures that their coffee is grown in a way that protects the environment and provides a good life for the communities that grow this coffee. Already in 2008, they committed to source all coffee from certified farms Rainforest Alliance.

Photo: Costa Coffee

Thus, today all their coffee beans are certified by a non-profit organization Rainforest Alliance, which strives to create a future where people and nature thrive together in harmony. In collaboration with various stakeholders including farmers, businesses, consumers and others, the organization Rainforest Alliance creates alliances to improve lives, protect biodiversity and strengthen the voice of farming and forest communities, helping them mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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