
Couples who match in 5 key areas stay together!

Love is a compromise!

Photo: envato elements

Love is like a merry-go-round – exciting, unpredictable and occasionally it can throw you off track. But to keep this ride going forever, you need more than just love sparks. dr. William Glasser, known for his theories on human needs, says that the long-term happiness of two hearts lies in five key areas. Understanding these areas is not only helpful, but necessary for any couple aiming for a future together filled with laughter, love, and—of course—Netflix marathons together.

In a world where love seems to have become more complicated than ever, we often look for the secret formula for a happy and long-lasting relationship. But the truth is, there are no magic spells or secret recipes – but there are key areas where partners need to be on the same wavelength in order to build a solid future together. dr. William Glasser, known for his theories on human needs, gave us insight into the five basic needs that play a key role in any relationship. These needs are like the components of a mosaic that, when properly combined, create a picture of harmony and happiness. Understanding and harmonizing these needs between partners is not always easy, but it is essential for every couple who wants to build a solid relationship full of love, understanding and mutual respect. So let's take a journey through these five key areas to discover how the right alignment of partners' needs can lead to a happy and fulfilling partnership.

1. Survival – Safety or Adventure?

Are both of you in your relationship savers who plan for the future, or does one of you prefer to live for the moment, maybe even spend a little too much? The secret is that they match in their fundamental desire for security or adventure. After all, love doesn't pay the bills—unless, of course, you're selling romance novels.

2. Love – Together or apart?

Is one of you a fan of long walks and quality time together, while the other values his space and solitude? To the relationship blossomed, they have to find common path – or at least accept that sometimes it's okay for one to watch romantic comedies and the other to watch space documentaries. Anything goes in love and war, right?

Photo: Pexels / Oliver Sjostrom

3. Freedom – Bird or cage?

Does one of you appreciate independence and avoids any rules while the other finds comfort in routine and structure? They must find a balance between the desire for freedom and the need for security. Think about whether it is possible for you to fly together without either of you feeling trapped.

4. Entertainment - Laughter or seriousness?

He is one of you the soul of the party, who enjoys laughter and unusual hobbies, while the other takes life more seriously? The key to success is finding joy together - either in shared adventures or in accepting and appreciating each other's differences. Maybe it's time for a laughing class?

5. Power – Leader or Supporter?


Unless they've agreed on how to share power in the relationship without undue competition, you may find that you get along best when the roles are divided. One can be a lighthouse and the other the wind in the sails. The secret is that you both understand that you don't have to be on the same place on the social scale - it's important that you support each other.

It's not always easy in a relationship, but if you match in these key areas, you're well on your way to eternal happiness. Remember that every relationship is as unique as a snowflake - and sometimes the snowflake needs to be softened a little with a little humor, warmth and understanding. After all, sometimes the biggest adventure is learning to grow together, laugh and love each other - no matter what.

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