
A cow that lets itself be ridden and jumps over obstacles

What will a horse be to you if you have a cow. So might Hannah Simpson, the proud owner of the cow Lilac, who most certainly thinks she's a horse. Why? Lilac lets himself be ridden and jumps over obstacles.

When Hannah Simpson she didn't get a pony, her brother suggested she start riding as a family heifer Lilac. And if you thought Hannah dismissed the idea, you're wrong. She followed her brother's suggestion and did exactly that. Lilac rides like that for 7 years, although he now also has a horse.

READ MORE: A calf that thinks it's a dog!

They became a sensation after posting a photo of a saddled cow on social media NZ Farming. Hannah now shares regularly glimpses with the Lilac cow, such as this incredible video of him jumping over a rock.

Lilac loved to jump even as a small calf and she still likes it today. Although this story has given Hannah and Lilac international attention, they have no intention of competing. Hannah is of the opinion that Lilac simply wouldn't behave like that elsewhere, because she does more special than a horse, more rare.

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