
The craziest conspiracy theories

Lizard people. The Illuminati and the New World Order. Rihanna is the devil. 9/11 and John F. Kennedy. You probably already know all these conspiracy theories, so we won't bore you with them. We searched for the most "out-of-the-ordinary" and most unusual conspiracy theories that the Internet managed to "invent". Nothing you see on TV, in the night sky, learn in school or hear on the radio is what it seems.

The Beatles never existed.

Some people believe that the Beatles never existed. Instead of the Beatles, we should see bands of almost exactly the same players at concerts. On the website thebeatlesneverexisted.com focused mainly on the differences in the appearance of these Beatles: they mainly paid attention to the different shapes, sizes and styles of their eyebrows in different periods.

Former US President Barack Obama can control the weather.

President Obama has been 'accused' of deliberately manipulating the weather to divert attention away from the White House scandals.

Obama decides whether the sun shines or it rains!
Obama decides whether the sun shines or it rains!

The earth is flat.

The Flat Earth Society was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by the English inventor Samuel Birley Rowbotham. Zetetic Astronomy, as the company calls itself, has had to dodge various threats over the years - missions to the moon, satellites, photographs of the (round) Earth from space, and the list goes on.

Saddam Hussein is said to own the Stargate.

There is a theory that the Gulf War was started in order to close the Stargate, which was said to be owned by Saddam Hussein. This is supposed to prevent the rise of the New World Order and to prevent the invasion of Aliens.

Did Saddam Hussein also own the Stargate?
Did Saddam Hussein also own the Stargate?

READ MORE: Amazing facts about time that are not widely known

Hitler is still alive.

That Hitler is alive and hiding somewhere in South America has been rumored since the 1970s. Some theories say that the 125-year-old Hitler is responsible for various world disasters, including 9/11 and the 2010 oil spill. , that he died in 1984 in Brazil.

The moon does not exist.

The moon does not exist. It is a hologram that is projected into our sky every night by an unknown person.

Jay Z is a vampire who can travel through time.

There are theories that Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati. Because of the photo, which was taken in 1939 and appeared on the Internet last year, he was also 'accused' of time travel. Oh, and of course, he's also a vampire. This clip lists other celebrity lookalikes and suggests that they don't age because they're immortal vampires.

Is that Jay Z?
Is that Jay Z?

Time Cube: Four days in one

On this website you can read the concept of the time cube, where the theorist strongly, strongly believes that you actually spent 4 days in one day. And he clearly states that we are too stupid to even understand it.

Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids.

Pastor Vince Fenech told MaltaToday in 2009: Dinosaurs are real. They are spoken of in the Book of Job. They helped build the pyramids... Fenech was the director of a progressive Catholic academy in Malta until it was closed in 2012. Because of his passion for science fiction, he did not get students.

Do we really live in the Matrix?
Do we really live in the Matrix?

We live in the Matrix and billionaires will save us.

Many people in Silicon Valley are obsessed with the idea that we live in the Matrix, and some of them have taken this obsession even further: two tech billionaires are said to be sending scientists on a mysterious mission to rescue us from the Matrix.

Michael Jackson was murdered by the Iranian government.

On the day the King of Pop died, Twitter was flooded with condolences, knocking #IranElection from the top spot of most tweeted content. Some believe it prevented Iranian protesters from organizing a protest against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his manipulation of the recent election, as Michael Jackson's death ruined the moment. And who is responsible for it? Ahmadinejad, of course.

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