
Crazy Fun: Advice for Young Women's Sexuality in 1894

If you lived in the 19th century, you would now be reading that if you want to be a good wife, you should limit sexual intercourse to twice a week, and at the same time, you should turn off the lights and not even write during intercourse.

Pastor LD Smythers' wife, Ruth Smythers, wrote a book of instruction for young women in 1894, how to become a good wife. And since the duties of a good wife include sexual relations, the good Mrs. Smythers thought it necessary to write some sexual advice for married couples. We can't say that these tips were helpful to us - quite the opposite! Well, judge for yourself.

Most men are naturally perverted

Mrs. Ruth Smythers believed that most men were perverted and unable to defend themselves against their primitive instincts. You would definitely try to use this countless times in the bedroom, something every smart woman should be aware of. These tips do not apply to sex in general, but to kissing a "disgusting husband".

A smart wife wears a cotton nightgown

A thick cotton nightgown is a must for a smart woman. Mainly because the whole body must not be exposed during sexual intercourse, it can show only those parts of the body that are necessary for the sexual act. Men should also wear pajamas and show minimal bare skin because…

... it is not allowed to look at a naked spouse

A wise wife should never allow her husband to see her naked. And she must never see his completely naked body either.

Turn off the light and let there be silence

If sexual intercourse occurs (both of them are clothed, of course), the woman must turn off the light and must not even write. Namely, the man must not think that she might like sex, so he must not encourage him to carry out his perverted sexual practices or to take off his cotton pajamas and nightgown.

Portrait of Lucie lisant un livre / Jacques-Émile Blanche (France, 1861-1942)

No kissing on the mouth

If a husband wants to kiss his wife on the mouth during intercourse, it helps for the woman to turn her head slightly to the side so that the kiss ends on the cheek.

If he tries to take off her nightgown—you know, the thick, cotton one—and maybe he wants to kiss her somewhere else, a good wife will quickly pull her clothes back into place and tell him she needs to go to the bathroom.

Dirty words are highly undesirable

If a man, perverted as he is, tries to seduce his wife with dirty talk, a smart wife gets out of this unpleasant situation with a trivial and non-sexual question. "What do you think of the new curtains?" or "Is your mother coming to dinner tomorrow?" Such questions are sure to confuse him.

After intercourse, it should be as it was before intercourse

A good wife must not allow her husband to get the stupid idea that he could do something like this more often after having sex. One important rule applies here too:

Sexual intercourse is allowed no more than twice a week

A good wife will do everything to limit sexual intercourse to no more than twice a week. In the future, she will do her best to further reduce the amount of sexual relations between the couple. What can help her with this, for example, is playing (sickness, headaches, fatigue...).

If there is sex between spouses, it is strictly against their will

In general, the following applies: if there is intercourse, it should be very rare and against the will - remember to turn off the lights and be quiet. If a good wife does not stick to this, a good marriage can fail. He must take into account that men are perverted and want sex every day - and that would be an orgy rather than a marriage, wouldn't it?

With the motto "sex is only for procreation" and should not cause pleasure or entertainment, the pastor and his wife apparently had a fairly fulfilling married life. Fortunately, today the situation is different and these tips are just for fun and a little laugh (which is half the health).

If you know someone who would get a good laugh out of this book, it also makes a great humorous gift! With this purpose, you can also give it to a friend who is about to get married. 🙂

Zadnja posodobitev 2024-10-13 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

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